Here’s Johnny Lee who has invented a new VR interface using the Wiimote and the infrared sensors. He also has a software which renders images that moves with the viewer, in 3D space. The result is quite impressive, and the system has lots of potential. I hope this guy gets his sponsorship, because I also want to see Wii games using this interface! Below is his video demo.

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4 Responses to “Head Tracking in 3D using the Wii”

  1. Blacky says:

    Interesting. Thank for sharing the video 🙂

  2. BunGirl says:

    Thanks for sharing this. As a gamer, I gotta say… that may be one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. So c’mon Wii folks — get it in the games already!!!

    BunGirl’s last blog post..Contest: Giving Away Half the Loot

  3. rudyamid says:

    In other news (though unverified), Nintendo will not let LucasGames develop the Wiimote Lightsaber.

    Thank goodness for 3rd party manufacturers!

  4. […] this year, I blogged about Johnny Lee’s project on using the Wii-mote to track head movement in 3D. The project had a lot of potential. Sure enough, he’s now featured in TED, re-presenting the […]

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