I’m first to admit, when it comes to video games, I pick more bad games than good ones.  With the Wii, I try my best to be very selective because the game console have titles specifically made for it.  But it’s no exception.   I sitll pick crappy ones.  The most recent game that I got was Star Wars-The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels.  I was excited to finally get a game that take advantage of the Wiimote as a lightsaber.  I also like the new animated TV series.  So, my expecations were high.  However, when I started playing it, the game had so many things I dislike.

First, the swings I make with the Wiimote doesn’t translate well on screen. I believe it uses a “queue” system, stores up my swings, and then execute them one by one.  So it doesn’t translate to smooth live swings.  The delayed reaction is so annoying.

Second issue is the campaign “chapters”.  They were pretty good the first time around.  But as I tried playing into the higher levels like Jedi Knight and Grand Master, it just repeats the same ones – no new chapter, no new scenery.  I guess Lucasgames expects me to concentrate on the game difficulty instead, or something.  They just didn’t bother to add more depth into the story telling.  Maybe they’re just trying to avoid spoiling the story line of The Clone Wars TV episodes.  One of the game chapter, The Tranquility, is about the rescue of the captured the Trade Federation Viceroy, which is from an upcoming TV episode Cloak of Darkness.

Thirdly, the multiplayer feature is only between Wiimotes, no Wifi/Online game.  I’m not sure what the logic is behind the exclusion of this feature.  Perhaps it’s lack of development time.  Or perhaps they couldn’t cram enough info into the small Wii packets.  Maybe they don’t want to suffer the same problem as Super Smash Brawl Bros. Brawl freezes during online multiplayer games.

Finally, with all the shortcomings in this game, they slap the $50 price tag on it.   I get a much better game with Super Mario Galaxy or Mario Kart Wii for that price.   Does all Star Wars geek buy anything Lucasfilm produces, at any price?  Apparently, yes.

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3 Responses to “My Dislikes of Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels”

  1. Farzan says:

    LOL, looks like not everything Star Wars is fun. I still havent bought any Star Wars games for my 360. Their just haven’t been any that were worth buying

    Farzan´s last blog post..Another One

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hey Farzan,

    There are a few duds, but you should try/rent/get Lego Star Wars. It’s so much fun! I rented it for PS2 and it was great. The Xbox version is much better graphics wise.

  3. Farzan says:

    oh, I played the demo for that and it was pretty fun. I usually enjoy those lego games, they are always funny

    Farzan´s last blog post..Another One

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