Pottery Barn Kid's Star Wars RoomHas anyone ever thought of decorating his (or her) room with a Star Wars theme?  I certainly have.  When I was a kid, I used to have Star Wars action figures lined up on the shelf near my bed.  Then over the study table, I would stack the Star Wars electronic and board games.

Pottery Barn Kid's Star Wars PosterThe other day, I just received a Pottery Barn Kids catalog by mail.  They are bringing back the Star Wars’ nostalgia with their own line of decorations. They have bed sheets, pillow covers, and blankets with Star Wars images.  I know this stuff is designed for kids, but I can’t help imagining my room decorated like that.  From the catalog, what interest me the most are the Galaxy LED Art and the Luke Skywalker poster.  This stuff is not cheap, but Pottery Barn has a knack for good design.  Plus, the memories will last for a long time.

Kids these days, they’re so lucky and spoiled!

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12 Responses to “Star Wars Decorated Room”

  1. farzan says:

    Thats awesome, that Star Wars room looks hella cool. If I had to choose, Id probably do a mix between some other films. I feel alittle weird if I only base it on one thing. Still a cool looking room though

    farzan’s last blog post..REVIEW: The Simpsons Movie

  2. Lin says:

    Do we have to grow out of liking Star Wars stuff, whether it be bedroom decorations or not? One of my sons, 28 yrs old, still has his room decorated with Star Wars stuff, mixed in with other science type items like globes and other stuff.

    He’s been a Star Wars fan ever since the first movie came out, and I doubt he’ll ever outgrow it.

    Lin’s last blog post..Michael Phelps’ Frosted Flakes and McDonald’s Endorsements Criticized

  3. rudyamid says:

    As I’ve grown older, having a theme neutral room is actually beneficial. But when I was young, I wouldn’t mind if the entire room was filled with one theme. I did want to do Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek also, but budget was an issue.
    When I was in college, my room still had knick-knacks from Star Wars, etc. I never went overboard with my linens and wallpaper having the same theme. I’m still a fan too. If I ever build a home theater room, it would be decorated with Star Wars paraphernalia.

  4. Steve says:

    hi Rudy,
    I followed you over here from Lin’s “Telling It Like It Is” blog. Yes, people read comments and follow them to… I remember going to see Star Wars as a kid. One of the best movies I’ve ever seen, though now when I see it is looks so dated. At the time is was cutting edge. Anyway, I never decorated my room that way (I did Peanuts and Snoopy), but I collected the Star Wars comic series for a while, and just came across the box of them last year that I had stored at my parents’ house. I wonder if they’re worth anything? I think I’ll just give them to my kids. Anyway, nice blog. I’ll be back.
    ~ Steve from Pinnacle Trade Show Displays, also an ex-Star Wars fan

    ( deep echoing voice… “R-U-D-Y, I AM YOUR FATHER…” ) 🙂

  5. Hye Munar says:

    Nice room. I am not a big fan of Star Wars actually but I watched the movie a lot of times. My friends as a big fan of Star Wars as they still collect stuffs and collectibles related to the movie.

    Hye Munar’s last blog post..Google Chrome Browser Released For Download on Tuesday

  6. rudyamid says:

    Can someone really be an “ex” Star Wars fan? I’m sure the kid inside you is trying hard to get out. 😉
    Peer pressure can be a powerful thing. I’m surprised you haven’t been drawn to the dark side of the force yet. 🙂

  7. Steve says:

    Hi Rudy,
    I think “ex” wasn’t the word I was looking for, and I’m not sure what it is, so I’ll just agree with you and declare “Once a Star Wars fan, always a Star Wars fan!”
    Yes, the little kid inside of me gets out on a regular basis. I’m sure he’s the reason I get in trouble when I do… 🙂
    ~ Steve, aka “trade show displays” and Star Wars fan!

  8. Star Wars is so addicting. I remember my mom bought me a Star Wars tumbler and instead of using it, I keep it for collection. I also got Star Wars towels, pens, and stickers. Have you watched the Clone Wars already?

  9. haleyhughes says:

    You don’t have to be a kid to have a theme decorated bedroom. My husband is a big Godzilla fan, so his office, which is also our guest room, ended up with all the Godzilla memorabilia in this house. I feel sort of sorry for our guests, having to go to sleep with big images of Godzilla breathing on them.

    It’s my office that has all the Star Wars stuff — mostly Han Solo — but nobody ever sleeps in there. Except me. But that’s not planned. 🙂

    haleyhughes’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: More San Francsico

  10. rudyamid says:

    True. I decorated my cubicle with movie posters. I should narrow it down to a particular movie, but that would be “obsessive”. 😉
    Haven’t watched Clone Wars yet. I’ll wait for the DVD.

  11. Paul Parker says:

    I can not help but to agree with you. Kids nowadays are lucky. My nephew had his room filled with Star Wars photo. You will be seeing star wars paraphernalia every where.

    This is a cool room. I wish I had that kind of room when I was a kid. Thank you for sharing. When you have time, feel free to visit my site.

  12. glen soikie says:

    nice work i like the way the colours match

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