Super Smash Bros. Brawl WiiI’m not a gamer, so I don’t play a lot of games out there. My time and attention is limited, so I pick and choose my games. This time around, based on the hype alone, I just plunked fifty big ones on another game for the Nintendo Wii called Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It was the most anticipated and long-awaited game for the Wii. Luckily, last November 2007, Nintendo gave me Super Mario Galaxy which kept me busy while I waited for this release. Now that I’ve got it, I can’t seem to get over the fact that it’s only my 4th game (counting Wii Sports and Wii Play) for the console! I have a problem with video games: I get bored easily. I needed a game with enough variety in it to keep me interested for much longer than usual. I also enjoy playing platform and fighting games. Super Smash Bros. Brawl has both in one game, so it’s the game of year for me!

First of all, the game’s intro is sweeping and grand. In “Adventure Mode”, the game has some of the most beautiful cut-scenes. This mode gives me the chance to try out every single character, and there are quite a number of characters to play with. So far, my favorites are Mario, Kirby, and Donkey Kong. Since this is both a platformer and fighting game, I try to navigate my way around each level, sometimes solving puzzles, while fighting enemies at the same time. It’s a truly interesting mix.

In Solo mode, I’ve played Princess Zelda which transformed to a Ninja-like being midway through the game, which kinda threw me off. I just unlocked a hidden character, which is a cool surprise. Otherwise, this mode lets me “brawl” with all characters, and practice their moves.

There is a multi-player mode that I haven’t tried yet. My wi-fi setup is not optimal since it’s sitting on the other end of the house. Nevertheless, my console’s Wii number is 8404-4386-2547-6592 if anyone interested in challenging me.

There’s more to discover in this game. I’m looking forward to discuss this game with other Wii fanboys gamers out there.

Other reviews worth checking out (I’ll add more when I find them):

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3 Responses to “Smashingly Good”

  1. robdogg says:

    I have been wanting to play this game for a while and I was waiting for it to come out as well. I loved the game cube version, I still play it to this day. When I get my copy I will hit you up for a challenge.

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi Rob. I never have a Game Cube so I don’t know if I liked the original Super Smash Bros. But from the reviews, they loved the Game Cube version and they’re loving the Wii’s Brawl version.

    I think I’ll go shop for that Linksys wifi extender. I can’t even get the Wii wifi to do a system update because it can’t reach my Access Point .

  3. […] Amid” seems to be about pretty much whatever’s on his mind at the time which can range gaming on the Nintendo Wii to a post about a widget that presents Dilbert comics in […]

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