Super Mario Galaxy 2 DVD

Got my copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2 for the Wii!  The sequel was launched quietly, with not much fanfare, unlike the first one.  Nothing ground breaking except for a faster loading time and less story telling.  Since I’ve played the first Super Mario Galaxy enough times, I’m comfortable with the controls, and jumped right into it.  Covered the first two galaxies so far.  Looking forward to play some more.

Oh, here’s the awesome live music from the game’s intro:

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3 Responses to “Got My Super Mario Galaxy 2!”

  1. David Rader says:

    Next year I think we will finally get a big screen TV and a Wii. I like the XBOX/PS3 better when it comes to personal gaming, but I really want my family to be able to play something together, so the Wii it is! Not to mention- Netflix will work through it 😀

    I played the first Super Mario Galaxy at a stand in a Walmart… IT WAS FUN(NY)! Especially that hat super power! Does Mario have any new super powers in SMG2? I like how they made this Mario a little more cutesy… E.g. The dancing turtles, funny hat power… lol (probably more but I didn’t want to hog the Wii stand in the Walmart). Needless to say, it’ll be a while before we need the SMG2- Who knows, maybe I’ll be buying it from you on eBay 5 years from now? lol just joking

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hey David,

    My friend has been pushing me to buy an XBOX 360, because it’s a guy’s video game. But I couldn’t justify having it for myself, so the family is happy with the Wii.

    As of what’s new in SMG2, I’m not too sure since I only finished two levels. I’m sure they have more cool moves as I progress through. If you never bought the first SMG, then you should just get SMG2 because it has everything SMG1 has, including an intro on the basic moves.

  3. Kris says:

    i personally cant stand the 360. i have been through 2 my friends has been through 4 and it is just a way for microsoft to get more money that they dont need.

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