Pink Eye Mask by this month, my daughter suffered “pink eye” syndrome or conjunctivitis caused by an allergic reaction to something during the dry and dusty weather. It was the first time my wife and I had seen this happened to anyone. After consulting with the pediatrician, he said, apparently, this is a common occurrence with kids. So he prescribed an eye drop called Polymyxin B Sulfate and Trimethoprim ophtalmic solution. We struggled to put the drops in her eye as she would scream and squirm, due to the uncomfortable (maybe painful?) feeling. After a day or two, we could tell the eye drops were not working and she would often rub her eye.

Her eyelid became swollen. We consulted the pediatrician again and this time he prescribed a mild antibiotic called Amoxicillin-Clavulanic. This one even had a raspberry taste to it so it would be easier for my daughter to take. However, we also had trouble administering it to her as she would sometimes throw it up. But after a few tries, we thank God that the antibiotic worked. The swelling disappeared within 48 hours. Note that with antibiotic, it must continually be given to prevent the bacteria from growing back and stop the infection.

As to why or how she got it in the first place, it’s still a mystery. She could’ve been infected by someone else, or maybe it was just the Santa Ana winds that blew all sorts of dust and debris.

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9 Responses to “Pink Eye”

  1. J.F.H. says:

    Yeah I had pink eye when I was younger. I remember hiding in my school bathroom so the other kids wouldn’t see my puffy blood-shot eye.

    Those Santa Ana winds are nuts.

    J.F.H.’s last blog post..Update: More Redesigning

  2. mikster says:

    I’m pretty sure one of my kids had pink eye when they were younger. It’s one of those things that can run rampant in a school.

    mikster’s last blog post..A Stroll Down Memory Lane

  3. David Rader says:

    I had pink eye when I was younger too… Eye drops don’t bother me as much if I put them in myself… That may be a little easier for me considering when I was even younger than that I had to wear an eye patch on my eye and rub cream on my eyeball, because a kids long finger nail cut the membrane on my eyeball. For a short period of time, I was a pirate! If memory serves, pink eye made my eye itch…

  4. rudyamid says:

    Everyone seems to have experienced it before. I’m feeling left out, kind of. 🙂

  5. mattym says:

    If it makes you feel better I got chicken pox when I was 17.

    mattym’s last blog post..Cox is on a roll!

  6. J.F.H. says:

    Completely off topic…

    I was reading Problogger this morning and I saw this headline, “How to Stand Make Your Blog Posts Stand Out From the Rest – Lessons from the MacBook Air”

    Hahahaha…I guess you were right about Darren making grammatical mistakes all the time.

    J.F.H.’s last blog post..Walking Home Last Night, A Banana Fell on My Head

  7. rudyamid says:

    Jason, I usually delete off-topic comments. But since you’re cool, I’ll leave it here. 🙂

  8. Periapex says:

    Pink Eye is extremely contagious. One of my roommates in dental school got it and we quarantined him in his room throughout the duration.

    Periapex’s last blog post..Under Construction.

  9. rudyamid says:

    We were lucky then my daughter didn’t pass it along to us. I hate to have to quarantine her.

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