Dareway - A different version for KidsI remembered when I was 13, I used to walk to junior high (middle) school, either by myself or with friends. Most of the time, I walked by myself, and in those days (early 80’s) the streets were safe. Nowadays, there are many parents (us included) who are afraid of letting their kids walk to/from school by themselves – afraid they’ll get kidnapped or accosted by some crazy stranger.

After reading an article in Engadget on Segways, I started thinking, why not equip the kids with Segways on their way to/from school? These Segways can go upto 12 MPH and you can put safety equipments on it such as a loud siren, bright lights, GPS, and even On-Star service. I can’t imagine any kidnapper trying to mess or catch a kid on such a fully equipped vehicle. Unless they have an EMP device that can stop all electronics, it’s going to be difficult.

So maybe, “walking” to school is not the same as it used to be, but at least we can leave it upto the kids to take themselves to school – safely.

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