It’s been 9 years since I rode a bicycle.  In 1997, I got a Mongoose bike when I was still in Mountain View, California.  It was an experiment to see if I could survive in this State, without a car.  I lived less than 1/2 mile from work.  A bike would get me to/from work just fine.  Well, of course, the experiment didn’t last long!  Buying groceries was a chore.  Exploring the area got really tiring after a while.  It was just wasn’t convenient.  Two months later, I got a car.

But I was still  using the old bike.  I took it to San Francisco for a “Critical Mass” gathering, a protest towards the city’s lack of bike lanes.  The idea was to cause so much disruption in traffic, the city would have no choice to comply.  However, it’s now 2009 and nothing has changed: people still hate the bikers.  They even have a nickname for them: Massholes.  🙂

Anyway, after a while, my old bike rusted away in my old apartment, due to lack of use.  I ended up donating it to a janitor, while I was packing up to move to San Diego in 2001.  I haven’t rode a bicycle since.

Now, I have a need to keep fit and build my endurance.  I have a bummed left knee, so a bicycle is my best choice.  I don’t want to over-exert myself with a road bike, nor a mountain bike.  So, last Friday, I bought a brand new comfort bike from Specialized’s Globe series: Carmel 3 (Year 2010 Model), with 26″ wheels.  I got it from a local store called Rock N’ Road Cyclery. I’m using this bike to ride on the Yorba Linda Regional Park, with about 10+ miles of flat paved trail.  A bike riding/jogger heaven!

From now on, my bike riding experience will be more recreational, but it’ll also be productive.  Hopefully it’ll keep me fit, and let me feel young for a bit longer.

Wish me luck!

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7 Responses to “New Bicycle: Keeping Fit”

  1. hey Rudy,
    Congrats on the new bike! I used to ride a lot, until one day (maybe 9 years ago?) I crashed and almost slide under a truck (I wouldn’t be here today if I had). Anyway, my bike has a bent frame and is still just hanging in the garage. I think the tires are now flat and the rubber is probably rotted. I should either fix it or get a new one. Maybe buying a new bike is how I’ll help the economy. My daughter stopped using training wheels last year, and my son just successfully rode without them yesterday. They’re both asking me when I’m going to start riding my bike again. Perhaps your post will inspire me! Steve
    .-= trade show guru´s last blog ..Trade Show Kinsella =-.

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hey Steve,

    My daughter is still on the training wheels and not going very fast. She is eager to go bike riding with me. But for now, she’ll need me on my feet, guiding her along the way.

    And by all means, you should go biking again! I’m sure Santa Barbara has beautiful bike paths.

  3. Farzan says:

    cool, I hardly ride bikes anymore. I use to alot when I was younger, but now, I got a car so its kind of hard to go back to riding a bike. I might try and take it for a spin when going to the park or something.
    .-= Farzan´s last blog ..Michael Jackson’s This Is It Coming Oct. 30th! =-.

  4. […] 8. A small bottle of Tri-Flow Superior Lubricant with Teflon. Amazing for fixing squeaky hinges, as well as oiling bicycle chains. […]

  5. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I use to love riding my bike when I was younger. I thought I would continue when I got into my 40’s and 50’s but that was not the case.

    It is something I like to start doing again (for fitness purposes). I’m thinking about joining a bike club.
    .-= Gigi @ the history of kwanzaa´s last blog ..The History and Celebration of Kwanzaa updated Tue Sep 15 2009 6:26 pm CDT =-.

  6. This is a good article about ridind bikes and keeping the body right. Cycling is a active sport and will help one that wants a good workout! Ten miles will really do the job to!

  7. A great article and I myself am now 44 and needing to get fit and do something, like you having been a plumber for 25 years I now have 3 discs out in my neck. So I decided to start a Lake District Walks website and to keep me motivated I am doing free walks when anyone can simply turn up and come with me to enjoy the Lake District National Park here in Cumbria England.

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