What do popular modern movies look like a long time ago?  Here are some examples:

In 1950’s, Ghostbusters trailer:

In 1940’s, Forrest Gump done by Frank Capra:

In the 1920’s, Matrix done as a silent movie:

In the 1880’s, Star Trek as “Steam Trek”:

Bonus: Raider’s of the Lost Ark done in 1951:

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One Response to “Modern Movies Redone the Old Way”

  1. These clips were great, I had no idea there was a ghostbusters from the 50s with Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, and Fred McMurray that was made. I would not mind seeing that. I remember meeting Bob Hope getting off his corporate jet in Miami years ago.

    I had just flown an airplane in on the same ramp and we started talking. It was just he and an aide, he was going to the Fountainblue hotel to re-join Mrs Hope who was staying there. He stopped to chat with me about my airplane

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