Entrecard SymbolI was a long time EntreCard user when it began late 2007. It had given my blog a kick start and introduced me to many good people. I stuck with it through the changes, and many ups and downs. I had argued with others, who dropped it earlier, about its value and possibilities. But, lately, I’m seeing what they were seeing: a distraction, lack of reader participation, and poor blog quality choices.

The idea of an EntreCard (EC) economy is definitely a clever one, but it’s a distraction. I’ve been thinking too much on how to maximize my EC credits and increasing my ad value. I’m not willing to go on a chain-dropping spree. Usually, I drop on those who dropped on me, but it seemed like a chore now. I felt like I needed to “drop a card and get my credit”, and then quickly move on. I didn’t like that feeling.

I’ve used EC to find useful blogs. I kept track of the expensive blogs in EC, and lately, I did not find them to be the same quality as the ones I’ve seen outside of EC. Even with the changes in the ad system (which I was excited about), I’m still seeing questionable quality of the top ads. I’m not sure why. Maybe they knew how to “maximize” the system? Maybe they’re still chain dropping? Maybe they are participating more in forums, or place more ads? I’ve done all that work, and my return hasn’t been that significant.

I also have Twitter to blame for my recent departure from EC. Twitter is the place to find A-list bloggers, marketers, designers, and celebrities. I have to tap into this resource. Most of my new blog reading recommendations are from Twitter. Most of my fellow EC users are on Twitter. The medium with high readership and participation is unbeatable. Twitter is certainly that, and more.

I’m still searching for new ways to bring in new readers who are willing to join my little community. I need to concentrate on creating good content, finding more relevant readers, and making connections with other bloggers. I can’t be distracted. The golden rule to avoid placing ads in my blog is becoming more relevant. No more gimmicks. Less sidebar; more body, by far.

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10 Responses to “EntreCard: The End of Once a Good Thing.”

  1. Eric says:

    You’re absolutely right. Like a told you allready on Twitter.
    And by thinking about twitter, I to feel the same way, since I’ve been actually using Twitter, I didn’t feel the urge anymore to surf around for just dropping my card.

    I do still think it’s one of the greatest idea’s to come up with, but with the recent price change, I feel Entrecard is slowly losing the intrest of lots of users, wich is a shame, because before it had a very active userbase.

  2. Cheers, Rudy. I think you’ve made a good choice. I admire your stubbornness and your willingness to test new things (because I am stubborn and test new things, too), but as you mention, evaluating the ROI and seeing where your time could be better spent is an important thing to do every few months.

    Hell, I do that myself. See you on Twitter!

  3. rudyamid says:

    I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt. It’s the mindset of early adopters, there’s always a chance it will get better. People said similar things about Twitter – and look where it’s at now. Just too bad EntreCard went the other direction – they just couldn’t get all of the famous names to adopt it.
    The new ad system is the only thing I like about the EC changes recently. It’s just too bad it didn’t improve the quality of visitors – as I mentioned to James, the famous names didn’t come back/try it.

  4. I think the vast majority of these widgets and addons we’re all occasionally prone to adding to our sites are fundamentally pyramid marketing scams. Ultimately, it’s the lowly bloggers who lose out despite temporary traffic spikes for early adopters.


    David Bradley’s last blog post..Water, Water, Everywhere

  5. rudyamid says:

    Well, EntreCard was the first widget that actually benefited me when I first started using it. Previously I was using BlogRush and that was clearly a pyramid marketing scheme.

    There’s a site called “Get Rich Slowly”. There should be a site called “Get Popular Slowly”.

  6. Guy McLaren says:

    Yup, I am also busy rethinking the adverts that have no real benefit. Entrecard is not doing much for me either. You may follow me in Twitter

  7. Guy McLaren says:

    Rudi This is just testing Commentluv, It is alledged that I can use the feed tag to tell it where my feed is.

    Guy McLaren’s last blog post..Iranians rename Danish Pastries

  8. rudyamid says:

    Hey Guy,

    It looks like the feed tag plugin works for you. And, I just followed you on Twitter.

  9. Renee says:

    You know this social bookmarketing thing for blogging has just plain and simple become work, no matter what site you use. I am really starting to believe that this thing to do is drop links on bigger blogs to generate traffic is the way to go.

    Renee’s last blog post..Link Love Friday

  10. rudyamid says:

    It’s hard work to make a blog popular.

    But with some social media site, it just works better. For example, I find Twitter my next best way to advertise my blog.

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