UPS service in my area is great. They’ve delivered my stuff without any problem. My company also has a discount rate for UPS products and services. UPS even figured out how to save gas and time during their routes by turning mostly right.

But when videos like this float around, showing the carelessness of one UPS delivery boy, they’re putting their good reputation on the line.

I hope the guy gets reprimanded for this.  But, overall, I’m not too worried.  One bad apple doesn’t spoil the entire orchard.

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11 Responses to “What Can Brown Do For You?”

  1. Zhu says:

    I’m not too surprised: delivery drivers, like pizza deliveries, taxis etc. are under pressure and that can lead to dangerous and erratic driving… this is a minority though. I hope.

  2. Coral Snake says:

    yeah … one bad apple does not spoil the entire orchard , although .. it does make you think twice

  3. Yet another ambiguous title that caught me off guard, I thought this was going to be about our illustrious Prime Minister, Mr Gordon Brown

    David Bradley’s last blog post..Alcohol Causes Cancer

  4. rudyamid says:

    Well the video is not about the driving. It was about the way he handled the package. Watch the video, and you’ll gasp/chuckle.
    Business must go on, indeed.
    Sorry to have misled you. That’s UPS’s advertising tagline, so I thought it was appropriate. Oh, fyi, I’m a fan of Mr. Tony Blair. 😉

  5. Ari Herzog says:

    There is more than one camera angle, implying the video is either a hoax or an example of what not to do. No?

    Ari Herzog’s last blog post..Proposal for Newburyport 4-Day Work Week

  6. rudyamid says:

    Hey Ari,

    Hoax or not, I bet at one time or another, a disgruntled or moody delivery guy may have done something like this. If it’s a hoax, then it’s a good illustration. If it’s not a hoax, then we’re lucky there’s an evidence.

  7. I was kind of a fan of Mr Blair to start with, but he screwed up over a couple of things in cahoots with Mr Bush…

    David Bradley’s last blog post..Evolution 2.0

  8. David Rader says:

    [ – ] Regarding Brown n Blair… I thought Blair seemed a little too close with Bush who I didn’t personally trust… But I don’t know enough about what either Blair or Brown have done (or plan to do) to say much else. Have you ever heard of the Bilderburg meetings Rudy?

    [ – ] Regarding the video… It does seem to be in pretty high quality surprisingly… I don’t know about UPS, but I’m pretty sure law regarding mail services in general (USPS) are pretty strict regarding paths to mailboxes (so if that guys hedges look like they might scratch the mail carrier he may ‘have’ to deliver it by other means OR not deliver it at all… It happens with icy sidewalks, grueling dogs with big teeth, and locked gates probably too. I don’t know what they’re supposed to do when they encounter those situations, but I know it’s something different!

  9. rudyamid says:

    I googled it and found an article about Bilderberg Meetings. I’ve never heard about it before. I suppose it’s inevitable that people will suspect each others’ motives to be sinister and/or diabolical. We can’t really stop them either.
    As for the UPS guy not suppose to throw the package: well, common sense says you don’t. The rule probably says the same thing. But when no one’s watching, who’s to say they won’t break the rule once in a while? It’s sad, but it’s true in everything that we do.

  10. David Rader says:

    I don’t know the the Bilderberg meetings do discuss diabolical things, though most who research them seem to believe so… To me it just seems natural that people like that would connect with each other for both personal and business reasons… In the USA I think it’s illegal for competitors to be in cahoots, because it kind of makes them like a secret monopoly, they appear to be two businesses, they actually are, but they’re working together as if they were one.

  11. rudyamid says:

    You should write about this topic in your blog, David. Should be an interesting read. 🙂

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