Ask 500 peopleEveryone sometimes dread voting, right? Well, what if voting is fun? Check out site where you can see the votes tallied up (and mapped) live! It’s quite intriguing. It’s interactive too, I can submit a question and also comment on it. This can be very addicting.

A similar system is on my Nintendo Wii channel called “Everybody Votes” where I get a question once every few days and vote on two choices. I also get to predict on what the votes are. I usually predict the opposite of what I voted on. There’s no score to keep track of, but it’s just something fun (and useless) to do. There’s a college kid on the ‘net who keeps track of all the results.

So yes, by all means, vote! And vote often!

[Update] Found another voting website that’s interesting: – where you get to vote on two websites (at a time) and determine which one is best.

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