Twitter Bird LogoTwitter is the latest tool for me to connect with people and to learn what’s new in people’s lives. It’s currently catching on like wildfire, with entrepreneurs to moms starting to use it on a daily basis. I have Darren @problogger to thank for getting me into it. It started when I read his post asking a few tips from “Twitters”. I started following a few from the list and got hooked.

Twitter is fundamentally an instant messaging platform. When I started using Yahoo! Instant Messenger five years ago at my work place, my co-workers and I would have these clever “status” messages to indicate what we were thinking, jokes of the day, or our current tasks. We used it a lot. Then Yahoo had a great idea to incorporate URLs we could click directly from the IM client. However, Twitter took this concept of people’s status messages, archived them, made them browse-able via the web, and let Google index them. My Twitter home page is essentially a form of micro-blogging, filled with current and short posts. It’s a lot of fun to use. I’ll follow up in a future post to detail how I use Twitter.

Meanwhile, Twitter has sparked some really creative writing. I am referring to the clever analogy by Ted Rheingold or the stereotypical male metaphor by Michael Martine. If you have, or know a post about Twitter, do let me know by leaving a comment. I’ll check it out and link to it.

Here’s a short and informative video from Lee Lefever on “What is Twitter in Plain English”:

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2 Responses to “Twitter: Familiar Communication”

  1. Zhu says:

    I will give it a shot. I like the idea of display a short “status” in my blog sidebar… I’ll see if I can fit another widget without slowing it down.

    Zhu’s last blog post..Aboriginal Perspectives (9/10)

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi Zhu. When you do sign up for Twitter, please let me know what your username is so I can follow you.

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