Tesla Motors' RoadsterThere were a lot of talk about company trying to invent a sports car claiming to be able to do 0-60 in 4 seconds, entirely with electric power! That company is Tesla Motors. After all of the hype and controversy, they are actually delivering! The car is already in production. According to USA Today, Tesla Motors is expecting to deliver 400 by the end of this year, and another 1800 by next year. Tesla Roadster’s base price
starts at US$98,000 and there are already 600 people in the waiting list. It’s safe to say this car will be the hottest car out this year. We’ll all be in a look-out for a Tesla Roadster sighting.  I wish Tesla Motors just hurry up and produce the affordable cars for the rest of us mere mortals.

And here’s a video of Veronica Belmont from Daily Mahalo last November 2007, test driving the working prototype.

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5 Responses to “Tesla Roadster – The Reason to Take Out a Second Mortgage”

  1. Science News says:

    This car is incredible. I need just a little more mileage from a car because I do alot of commuting. Once Tesla can get 300 miles off of one charge I’ll definitely start saving up towards one of these (or take out a second mortgage). 😀

    Science News’s last blog post..Volvo Testing Hybrid Garbage Trucks

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi Mike. They are working on a “Whitestar” prototype which is a 4-door sedan that may do 300+ miles per charge. The company is going to roll in the dough if they can mass market those and will mark the first successful full electric vehicle production. The EV market failed before because GM wasn’t selling to the mass market.

  3. Mike Monahan says:

    Thanks Rudy. I agree, GM was selling to only a select few. Tesla is in a great position to mass market a 4-door electric sedan like the “Whitestar” right now and for the foreseable future.

    BTW: Your blog is awesome, good luck with everything

  4. rudyamid says:

    Thanks for the compliment, Mike. I appreciate it. I’ll make sure to visit your neat and informative blog more often too!

  5. Barnes says:

    Great blog here with a good grammar. I recently just Jumped here from another blog, My my grammar was pathetic.. Anyway Great post

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