The economy is down, and we’ve been encouraged (by the government, no less) to spend, spend, spend.  It sure sounds tempting.  A lot of things have dropped in price, especially big ticket items like cars, television, laptops, or furniture.

I did jump on the chance to get a $500 laptop for my wife.  She needed one anyway, and she always wanted a lightweight version.

But the rest…

Last year, I wrecked my Honda Civic Hybrid.  Unfortunately, the timing sucked.  I could have saved a lot of money if I were to buy a new car this year.   The bad economy drove down prices substantially, especially Hybrid cars.  There  are Federal tax credits for a new car, and a bigger one for Hybrids.  Plus, there’s a possibility, with the Cash For Clunkers program, I could get extra cash for the wrecked car.

Furniture I don’t have the need to buy.  When we moved back in 2005, we managed to furnish the new house in less than a few months.  My wife didn’t want an empty house.

A new television is something I’ve been contemplating for a while.  I want a 120 Hz (or 240 Hz) TV for its smooth picture quality.  But where will the old TV go?  I suppose I can sell it, but I’m not looking forward to the hassle of dealing with buyers off the street.  Keeping it in another room is a possibility.  However, my wife doesn’t like clutter, especially unused clutter.  It looks like I’m not going to buy a new big screen TV any time soon.


It’s very tempting to go on a shopping spree.  However, I have to keep that buying impulse in check.  If I’m not careful, I can end up with items I hardly use. Not to mention having no money left for other stuff like house repairs and family vacations.

Even in this economy, I have to constantly remind myself and ask, “Is it a want, or a need?”

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5 Responses to “Shopping Spree?”

  1. Farzan says:

    I fully agree Rudy especially since I also have several upcoming Xbox 360 games I would like to purchase. That TV actually isn’t a bad idea. I saw one running at Best Buy with that resolution and its amazing. With good Blu Ray titles, It literally looks like it was filmed right in front of you. I’m not sure if I would buy it if I already own an HDTV since I’m not sure the extra thousands of dollars would be worth it.
    .-= Farzan´s last blog ..REVIEW: Funny People =-.

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hey Farzan,

    Actually the TV is not super expensive. I bought my regular 60 Hz TV for $2100 4 years ago. The same price, or less, can be had for one of those 120 Hz TV.

    That’s the other point too, I only have HD-DVD with a handful of titles. No blu-ray yet.

  3. Hey Rudy,
    Thanks for dropping by earlier. I think it’s ironic that too much shopping is part of what got this country in so much trouble in the first place, and now the government wants us to shop more again. That said, I understand there has to be a balance…
    A big reason my family isn’t doing so bad is because we were responsible and didn’t spend more than we had, and I don’t intend to start doing that now… If I splurge it will be to buy a nice bottle of wine at Trader Joes… or maybe a new TV at Costco. 🙂 Man, they just keep getting cheaper and cheaper… ~ Steve
    .-= trade show guru´s last blog ..Blogging Best Practices =-.

  4. rudyamid says:

    Hey Steve,

    I’ve been on a shopping spree of sorts for the past couple of months, or so. There’s just so many things I need. Trying to stretch out the buying to a few months, to ease up the credit card use.

  5. Farzan says:

    The HD DVDs should also look amazing. I just said Blu Ray since thats what the market is focusing on right now. The HD DVDs should still look damn amazing with he right titles.
    .-= Farzan´s last blog ..Michael Jackson’s This Is It Coming Oct. 30th! =-.

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