Best Thing In Life Is has the definition of the word “serendipity” as:

1.  an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.”

This word describes the end-result of blogging.  I throw out ideas that I come across, and hopefully someone else can (or will) share their own stuff, based on my discoveries.  I’m a fan of comments.  I actively share ideas on other people’s blogs, Tweets, Facebook posts, etc.  I appreciate genuine comments (not spam) on this blog.  There’s just something beautiful about the exchange of ideas and experiences, and being able to participate in a civilized dialogue.

But some people claim blogging is just “too much information”.  I just read the New York Times article stating we have this tendency to over-share on the web.  Personally, I don’t give out mundane details like the color of my boxer shorts, or how much I spend at McDonalds.  I realize it’s all relative, but I’m a firm believer in a balanced effort.  When it’s too much, back off.  When it’s too little, step it up.

Speaking of over-sharing, there is a trend to geolocate people’s status updates.  That means I’m suppose to volunteer revealing the location where I eat, watch movies, store visits, etc.  On the surface, it seems like a harmless activity. With Foursquare, they took it a step further and provide prizes as reward for the most check-ins.  I think is a stupid idea.  Do they not expect someone will end up gaming the system?  I’ve used Brightkite before, and now using Yelp for check-ins.  For a while, announcing my current location is not one of their popular feature, simply because there was no additional incentive to check-in.  It was all purely informational.  No competition. No loss in novelty.

It’s the same thing with blogging, Twittering, or Facebooking.  When I use it for educational and personal development use, it’s more rewarding than trying to prove how much money I can make or how popular I can be.  There’s nothing wrong with healthy competition, but it should not be the main goal.

So serendipity — let it happen, without the over-sharing!

Photo Credit: bluryee

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4 Responses to “Serendipity”

  1. hey Rudy,
    I love serendipity! It seems to help me out on a regular basis. 😀
    And thanks for not sharing the color of your boxer shorts.
    ~ Steve

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hey Steve,

    It also helps I don’t to have a niche blog.

    The fact that you know I wear boxer shorts is not TMI for you? 😉

  3. David Rader says:

    LOL I didn’t know that’s what serendipity meant… I assumed it was something like having a serene chip on a shoulder…

    I find myself in agreement with you about pretty much everything you said in this post. I’m curious why you don’t want to make moola from your blog though… It may be a little hard from this blog considering you use non-commercial license images… You select good ones by the way and after reading your blog I always want to post a picture or some type of visual “footnote” or something with my posts. I think informational pieces can be used with or without approval though, considering blogs are practically “free press.”

  4. rudyamid says:

    Hey David,

    I opted to have the freedom to say/do whatever I want on this blog. Monetizing my blog will restrict me in many ways.

    And yes, images do help enhance the article. Gives a visual anchor, which IMHO, is what all web readers need.

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