I used to think weekends are enough to recharge for the week.  After all, it’s 2 days of down time, every week, to relax.  Also, my work calendar also indicates that I have a long weekend every month.  So that’s a lot of breaks from the every day humdrum office life.

I used to think a vacation is overrated.

But after spending 6 days off, it feels exceptionally recharging.  I spent time with the family.  I traveledI went swimming. I got to sleep late (and sleep in).  I even got some gardening done.

I feel rested and relaxed.

So now work will get easier this week now that  I have a clear head, and calm nerves.  That’s always a good thing.

I need to schedule another vacation, or I’ll end up not having a life.

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14 Responses to “Rest and Relaxation”

  1. Periapex says:

    Welcome back. When are you going to vacation at my compound?

    Periapex´s last blog post..Spring Awakening.

  2. rudyamid says:

    Thanks for the invite. We do like to see you guys. However, I do have to resolve my family “drama” first. I’m hoping this July we’ll be visiting. Otherwise, we may have to wait until the end of this year.

  3. Periapex says:

    You’ve got family drama too? I guess nobody is immune to that…

    Periapex´s last blog post..I See Dead Animals.

  4. Rest is indeed very crucial. There is a saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Whenever I have not much to do, I see to it I take some rest and relaxation.

    MTV Movie Awards´s last blog post..2009 MTV Movie Awards Performers

  5. hey Rudy,
    I think most of us work too much. I know I do. But that’s probably also why this country has done so well (a strong work ethic). I like the few vacations I get, but it seems within a few days, they are but a distant memory… 🙂
    ~ steve, the trade show exhibits guru
    PS. Great link on the “The Cube Farm’s 40-Year Harvest” !!!

    trade show guru´s last blog post..The Dirty Little Secret to Designing Great Trade Show Exhibits

  6. rudyamid says:

    But Steve, you live in Santa Barbara… it’s vacation every day! 😉

    (just kdding)

  7. Hi Rudy,
    Actually, many of us Santa Barbarians got an unplanned vacation last month during the Jesusita fire when about a third of the city got evacuated for several days (I know you’re familiar with fires too). I know a few friends here that called it an “evacu-cation”. I guess it’s good to try to find the humor in trying times. Anyway, I’m just glad that fire is over, I hope we don’t see any more for a long, long, long time.
    ~ Steve, the trade show guru

    trade show guru´s last blog post..The Dirty Little Secret to Designing Great Trade Show Exhibits

  8. rudyamid says:

    Yes, definitely don’t want to see those dreaded wildfires in SoCal anymore. There’s a campaign on TV from Smokey the Bear: “Only YOU can prevent wildfires!” Here’s hoping that’s effective.

    Btw, I’m still guffawing over “Santa Barbarians”. 😉

  9. Invisalign says:

    A 6 day vacation definitely sounds tempting right about now. I never find a weekend to be sufficient in recharging my batteries. I catch a glimpse of the SB wildfires on the news every now and then, and couldn’t imagine how it must be for someone to see their own home catch ablaze. Quite sad indeed.

  10. gas card says:

    It’s been said that when people are on vacation and they have nothing to worry about they will average 9 hours of sleep each night. That’s actually the amount we are supposed to get each and every night, but most don’t obtain that healthy level on a normal basis… just not enough time. Its always nice to take a break from the grind and spend some time from family. You be learning regardless, learning a little bit more about yourself, the place you are in, and your family.


  11. I agree “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. that is why i’m having a vacation to santa barbara by the end of the month.

    Nice blog.

  12. We should take a rest after sometime, to release the tension from our work and everything. Why don’t you try Santa Barbara next time? I will assure you, the best vacation you will have.

  13. Working online can be very addictive – I know I work way too much because I love what I do…in saying that, vacations are always very important.
    .-= Kids Spider Man Costumes´s last blog ..Spiderman Costumes For Toddlers =-.

  14. T Treborne says:

    Nice blog, Six days of R&R sounds fantastic. Its surprising how many of us forget to recharge our batteries. In the UK I enjoy visiting a London Spa to help me relax. Keep chilled, keep relaxed 🙂

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