Every blogger loves to receive comments.  I’m no exception.  I enjoy connecting with you, my readers, and I value your opinions.

However, this is the internet.  People are unpredictable, and with the safety behind anonymity,  eventually I’ll encounter the “unwanted” comments.  I have my fair share of spammers and trouble makers.  I just read an article on ABC News that listed the variety of web commenters out there.  The list consists of mainly negative behaviors.

Of course, I believe there are good people out there.  The list does have some positive types.  They are the ones I welcome in this blog.

  1. The Defender
    Voicing an opinion is tough when there’s a lot of opposition.  It’s comforting to know someone understands my position, has my back, and defends me.
  2. The Droll
    I’m guilty of doing this.  I called it drive-by commenting, where I chuck in “clever” words, here and there.  It’s actually tougher to do on a consistent basis.  So when it’s accomplished, it’s a good day.
  3. The PWN3R
    I’ve seen this mostly in Slashdot, Digg, and Reddit.  In order to attract such esteemed commenters, my articles have to be risqué, shocking, and/or popular.  Maybe one day…
  4. The Mystery Genius
    I always love an informed comment.  Always learning, that’s my motto.  What a better way to be informed by a genius?
  5. The Handyman
    I’m a dad, so I like to share my expertise.   I welcome other dads to share their expertise with me, as well.

With Google, the vast knowledge base on the Internet is readily accessible. It’s easy to be an informed commenter.  There is no reason anyone can’t write a useful comment.  One just has to take the time to do a quick research before commenting.

It’s better to be a positive contributor.  Be nice and THINK.

What type of commenter are you?

Photo Credit: Styven Magnes via Mark Wathieu

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7 Responses to “Please Comment (But How?)”

  1. hi Rudy,
    Interesting and humorous list. I’d like to think I am the “Mystery Genius” commenter, but something tells me I’m more the “no-let-me-show-you-the-right-way-to-do-it-kind-of-dad commenter. 🙂
    ~ Steve, the trade show guru

    trade show guru´s last blog post..Trade Show Booth Display Design Secrets

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hey Steve,

    Whichever you are, you’re my favorite commenter. 😉

  3. Farzan says:

    lol, interesting categories. I think I would classify myself as a PWN3R or Droll.

    Farzan´s last blog post..Poster For Sacha Baron Cohen’s Brüno

  4. Used Tires says:

    I don’t know… if one of those classify as the type of commentator that I am…. I guess I am just a guy that leaves… whats on his mind… and I try my best to always leave a positive comment.

    Till then,


  5. rudyamid says:

    @Farzan: Glad you’re willing to rise up to the challenge!

    @Used_Tires: Being positive is good. Always put in more thought into your comments.

  6. xmulderx says:

    I think i fall into the defender category.

  7. rudyamid says:

    You’re the defender, xmulderx. I know you got my back when I’m in IRC. 🙂

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