I read Matthew Ingram’s post with quotes from Seth Godin about blogging.  It’s related to my recent post mentioning my own reasons to blog.  I think it’s worth repeating what Seth said:

Blogging is free. It doesn’t matter if anyone reads it. What matters is the humility that comes from writing it. What matters is the meta-cognition of thinking about what you’re going to say. How do you explain yourself, to your few employees, or to your cat, or to whoever’s going to look at it? How do you force yourself to describe, in three paragraphs, why you did something? How do you respond, out loud?

If you’re good at it, then people are going to read it. If you’re not good at it and you stick with it, you’ll get good at it. This has become much bigger than “are you BoingBoing” or “are you the Huffington Post” — this has become such a micro-publishing platform that basically you’re doing it for yourself, to force yourself to become part of the conversation, even if it’s just that big (holds two fingers about an inch apart). And that changes an enormous amount.

Watch the clip of the interview at OpenForum.com.

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4 Responses to “Personal Reasons To Blog”

  1. fragileheart says:

    He got it quite right, didn’t he? I’m further encouraged by the face that it’s a met-cognitive matter 🙂

    And they said Blogging was a mindless activity!

    fragileheart´s last blog post..It’s the final countdown! (to Halloween)

  2. rudyamid says:

    Blogging is only mindless when people don’t put any effort into it. I bet it takes you a while to make a post. I bet your head hurts after thinking about it so much. Definitely not mindless.

  3. fragileheart says:

    Well, not so much because I tend to write only when inspiration hits me. And when it rains it pours so I write as much as I can in one sitting so that on days when I just don’t feel like it, I can sit back and interact with my readers through the comments instead of having to come up with new posts everyday…

    fragileheart´s last blog post..It’s the final countdown! (to Halloween)

  4. rudyamid says:

    Hey Reggy,

    Coming up with a new post every day is difficult work. When that happens, I better be getting paid for it! Otherwise, it’s just going to burn me out.

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