Sao Paolo free from billboard adsThis internet… who invented it? Who owned it? I like to congratulate whoever it is that made it possible for people like me to share thoughts with my family, friends, and total stranges who are willing to sacrifice 10 seconds of their time to read my blog. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been on-and-off writing blogs, and it didn’t kick into full gear until early 2007 when I came across WordPress app . It just made it so much easier for me to edit and customize my own blog site. Now, like most blog sites that I see out there, there’s a temptation to plaster advertising, such as Google Ads, for easy money. Personally, I hate visiting a website, especially reading a blog site, that are littered with ads. You know who you are! Fortunately, there is such a thing as AdBlock plugin for Firefox browsers that kills most of the annoying ads such as the flashing “punch the monkey” ones. What can’t be block, unfortunately, are blogs that contain copies or paraphrased versions of the original articles – also littered with ads. This is known “blog spam“. The original intent of blogs was to peer into one’s (creative) thoughts, now it could potentially be a vehicle of greed and junk info.

On that note, I can promise that my site will never have ads. I don’t take any money from anyone to write and run this blog. A waste of time? Maybe. If I have fun writing and sharing my random thoughts to those who care, it really doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks.

Update: Found the São Paolo “ad free” city pictures by Tony Demarco.

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5 Responses to “No blog spam here”

  1. Ameloblast says:

    Contextual ads give me an idea of who is doing what in my industry. I keep them discrete, but they provide me as much info as they might provide my site visitors…

  2. David Rader says:

    I don’t know who invented it or owned it, but I’ve decided I’m selling it dirt cheap .001 cents a gigabyte. I’ll still be filthy rich.

    On the note of making dinero from your blog, I respectfully offer this debate; If you are making money through your blog, then you can afford to spend more time on your blog, thus the ads enable you to blog more! Before I blogged full-time, I only wrote a post or two a week, in the past 24 hours I’ve written 4 or 5! I love writing!

    (…random… and i’ve been getting “VistaPrint” emails for years, occasionally but consistently trying to unsubscribe in vain)

  3. rudyamid says:

    I still get offers for my domain name. I’m still not selling. As for making money off my blog, I don’t want another full time job. I’m already working in a corporate world, and being a parent. I do have swirls of ideas on what to write, but I don’t want to get stuck doing in every waking hour. But if you love writing, go for it!

    And David, as for your random thought… that’s what my blog tagline used to be.

  4. […] is the question of valuable ads real estate on my blog site. In my case, I have the luxury of not running any ads. Ad space is not an issue for me, so a little 125×125 pixels EntreCard widget is not intrusive […]

  5. […] and making connections with other bloggers. I can’t be distracted.  The golden rule to avoid placing ads in my blog is becoming more relevant. No more gimmicks. Less sidebar; more body, by […]

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