TurntableBack in the mid-80’s, I used to be a DJ. Yes, a disc jockey. You know, the guy who spins vinyl and mix tapes for fun and profit. I used to do weddings and private parties. I had a great time doing it, even though it was exhausting work, carrying all of that equipment and doing the set-up/tear-down. I own a lot of vinyls, cassette tapes, and CDs from that era. I can imagine what it’s like to be a DJ now. I’ve seen programs that can beat mix with MP3s and Internet streaming that redefines sending a Mix Tape. I suppose they still need to lug those big speakers around. They haven’t miniaturized good sounding speakers, yet.

My music taste is definitely stuck in the 80’s. As a teenager, I was more impressionable. Peer pressure helped too, as my buddies would listen to the music they liked, introduced them to me, and I assimilated. There were bad music; there were good music; there were awesome music. There were also guilty pleasure music, artsy music, and timeless fun music. I’d listen to them all! Music was the drug for me back in the 80’s.

Now that I’m older, I’ve become picky and too stubborn to change my taste. I still enjoy a few new music every now and then, but not enough to leave a lasting impression. It’s also interesting to note the 80’s bands are now coming back releasing new albums. Then there are new bands doing wonderful, worse, and weird covers of the popular 80’s music. In my mind, there’s still no better music than the 80’s.

Photo credit: pokpok

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14 Responses to “Musique Non Stop”

  1. Jillian says:

    I have to agree, 80’s music rocks. Although I don’t know how I feel about a lot of the bands coming back, for some it seems… lame. Like The Eagles for instance… I LOVE them. Do I want to see them in concert? No. Should they even be doing concerts? Absolutely not.

    I’m also a HUGE Journey fan…. I love LOVE Steve Perry. There is no way they should ever make a comeback. Sometimes stuff needs to be left alone. Let the music age, let us enjoy it… there is no need to “get with the times”… that just seems to be a bit cheap to me.

    Jillian’s last blog post..Tips For a Successful Relationship: The Four C’s and One H

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi Jillian,

    I didn’t grow up listening to The Eagles (70’s band) so I’m not against them coming back. In fact, it’s a good move for them to come back because 80’s kids like me rediscovered them and enjoyed their music, old and new! The Police was an 80’s phenomenon and I totally dug them coming back in the 2007. Will I see them in concert? Absolutely. The same with some of my favorite 80’s bands like New Order and Depeche Mode.

    As for Journey, I agree with you there. They were criticized for going “soft” as a rock band, churned out too many ballads. Much like Foreigner and Boston. So those guys can’t (or won’t) come back. We’ll just enjoy what they’ve got. But you’ll never know… they might just surprise you and come back. Don’t stop believin’.

  3. Periapex says:

    Hey I like Milli Vanilli. I especially like the artistry they created in their vocals…

    Periapex’s last blog post..This Is What Cheap Dentistry Is Like.

  4. rudyamid says:

    Yeah right. Milli Vanilli would sing just as well during a root canal operation.

  5. LK says:

    I’ll admit it. I liked Milli Vanilli’s songs when I heard it on the radio in the late 80’s. Catchy songs with a good beat. When I saw the two guys in the videos, I liked them less and seeing them jump around, I didn’t care for the group as much anymore as was kinda turned off to their music, too. When it was revealed that those two guys were just “front men” (literally), I was back to liking Milli Vanilli’s songs. I still pop in the CD or listen to their MP3’s once in a while.

    BTW, that’s why I love XM Radio. 80’s music all the time!

  6. rudyamid says:

    I don’t know, but even back then I really didn’t find MV’s music that great – beat was mostly the same; lyrics were basically the same. Another words, no depth to it. But, it was the most requested group and people went nuts every time I played their songs. In that sense, it left a lasting impression on me also.

    Were you the first to buy the Best of Milli Vanilli CD? 😉

  7. Zhu says:

    Music wise, I think I’m stuck in either the 70s, either the 90′. I totally skipped the 80’s… in France, music wasn’t that innovative at the time I guess.

    Being a DJ must have been a cool experience anyway!

    Zhu’s last blog post..Along The Seine

  8. Periapex says:

    Wait, there’s a best of CD? Does it only have 2 songs? What were they called again…Girl You Know it’s True, and the other one, I can’t remember.

    Periapex’s last blog post..Constipation.

  9. rudyamid says:

    @Zhu: I don’t know much about French 80’s music either, but there were a bunch of 80’s musician from Quebec, that I know of, like Men Without Hats, The Box, or Mitsou.

    @Periapex: I think there’s an extended remix, subway remix, extended bonus beat remix, re-re-redubbed remix, etc.

  10. Bruce says:


    I was also a DJ in the 80s but only in School. It was called CHAM and we all had a blast hanging out listening to each other’s shows. Thanks for brining back some cool memories. I’m also in Quebec and there was an awesome band called Villain Penguin but I can’t find any of their stuff online. Thanks for the Last FM links. There’s a couple songs there that aren’t on my playlist.

    Bruce from Selling Books Online

    Bruce’s last blog post..Have you Created your Pastafarianism section yet?

  11. rudyamid says:

    Hi Bruce. Those were some memories, eh? I especially remember coming from a club at 4am. Now that was dedication!

    I’m always searching for more retro 80s songs to put on my Last.fm list. Let me know if you have some.

  12. Connie says:

    I’m an 80’s music lover too. I lived in the Brons then and would go into NYC every weekend to go to the dance clubs. I spent the whole night (and I mean whole night 10 PM – 2AM) dancing. Nothing like it in the world!

    I visited Britain and heard the Human League before they were released in the US and knew they’d be a hit here.

    Some of my faves from then – Flock of Seagulls, Culture Club, Thompson Twins, Eurythmics, The B-52’s and so many more. I liked anything that had a good beat and we could dance too (LOL).

    Connie’s last blog post..Medical Emergencies

  13. […] I used to be a DJ in the 80’s, and I enjoy doing party mixes for a crowd, or to a tape recorder.  Having two turntables (and sometimes a drum machine), and playing various dance/club songs were fun me.  It was an expensive hobby too, I bought a lot of vinyls. […]

  14. party entertainment says:

    I know if you play the ‘chorus’ to ‘Musique Non-stop’ backwards, it says “…I’m going to kill you…”. And it actually sounds like a frog is the one saying it…

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