Cat Sleeping on CartAs part of my efforts to curb excessive shopping, I have this rule to give myself 1 week to think about buying non-necessity stuff.  Especially in electronics.  I also do most of my shopping from Amazon, so I tend to browse and put things in cart – but not check them out.  I come back at a later time to see if the prices have dropped.  They usually do.

But not today.  Everything went up!

Amazon Price Increases

I wonder what drove the prices up?  Is it Christmas shopping season already?  Whatever it is, I have “Delayed Buyer Remorse”, watching my Printer selection went up from $70 to $108!

Ah well, I waited this long, I might as well keep waiting.

Photo Credit: raga

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6 Responses to “I Snooze I Lose”

  1. Lin says:

    Hi Rudy,

    I understand what you’re going through. I spent quite a bit of time researching on a new HDTV for the hubby, but once I got down to the final three choices, I decided it’s best to wait. I’ve read recently that Black Friday prices on TV’s are going to be much better (lower priced) than they are now so I’m going to wait till then. Now I have to figure out something else to surprise the hubby with for his bday.

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi Lin,

    Electronics is the worse thing for “buyers remorse” because there will always be a better deal in the next months, etc. This is also the reason we haven’t changed our 5+ years old DLP TV. Even though we can afford it, we just can’t justify the need of buying a new one.

    Since you need a new TV, you should just go pull the trigger and buy it. Don’t wait and fight the black friday crowd. 😉

  3. Lin says:

    After discussing my secret plans with a few people I’m close to, I’m continuing my search for a good deal and I don’t plan on waiting for Black Friday. I really want to get my hubby something nice for his bday and the new big tv will put a huge smile on his face and that’s all that matters to me. 😉

  4. hey Rudy,
    I like your “one week delay” system. I tend to do the same thing, though it’s usually more just due to procrastination. I’m still planning on replacing my xp computer with a windows 7 computer… 🙂
    I’m surprised that prices actually went up? Maybe they did that so that in a few weeks they can “mark them down” and then people will think that they are getting a deal before the holidays.

  5. rudyamid says:

    That’s my observation too, Steve. They’re raising the prices temporarily to fool some buyers that they’re getting a deal.

    In fact, the price of that Brother Laserjet Printer actually went back down to the original $69 price.


  6. David Rader says:

    I think you and Steve are right… They’re raising the prices to make old deals look like new deals again…

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