Ghetto iPhone HoldersI love my iPhone.  It’s a great device that lets me do many things (games, reminders, email, etc.) thanks to the huge library of Apps1 available on it.  When I’m in my office, it sits on my desk charging and sync’ing.  Previously, I let it sat flat on the table.  Later on, I started looking for an iPhone holder.  To my surprise, there’s a plethora of selection out there.  Most of the ones on sale are quite fancy and expensive.

I prefer going “creative and cheap”.2

Bendable Ghetto iPhone HolderFirst, I started with a bendable stress toy.  I got it free from a training class I took a few years ago.  The flexible shape can hold the iPhone at many angles.  But, I can only make this work sturdy enough in landscape mode.

Business Card Ghetto iPhone HolderThen I started reading about the 69 cents business card holder from Office Depot that can actually hold an iPad.  It obviously works well with the iPhone, but I can’t adjust the tilt.

Magic Ghetto iPhone holderLastly, I found the “Mini Magic Stand” that only cost me $2/pair, from Meritline.  Works quite well and it folds for easy transport.  Now I have 4 of these things sitting around the house.

The best part about these holders they’re good for any device, not just an iPhone.

I’m going to keep experimenting.  Being a geek (on a budget), I find this a fun exercise.  My next attempt will involve my daughter making a holder using LEGO and K’NEX parts.

Update: Mashable has an article on Macgyver-style iPhone stands. Suddenly, mine are not so ghetto after all.

  1. Over 180,000! []
  2. Going ghetto. []

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3 Responses to “Ghetto iPhone Holders”

  1. hey rudy,
    Do you use this ghetto iPhone holder to hold your iPhone when you’re putting on your ghetto (garbage bag) tree graph protective wrap? 🙂 Very creative!
    ~ Steve, a fellow geek (on a budget)

  2. rudyamid says:

    I’m a ghetto kinda guy! 😉

  3. Tracy Ingram says:

    I have been trying to find a holder myself. I ended up using a suction cup device that used to hold a notepad for me in my car. I am going to have to get a magic mini stand.

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