I just got dental work done today. It took 2 hours for my dentist to work on getting a dental mold for the lab to make a crown for my front teeth. The prep work took the longest time. She had to remove the old filling, took a couple of x-rays, put in a temporary filling, and then make the dental mold. Along the way, she shot me with that numbing solution (novocaine?) for my gum. She pushed and prodded of my gum back for the dental mold to go beyond the margin. This is so that the new crown will not expose the root if my gum decide to recede in the future. The prodding was painful, so she had to give me at least 3 more shots to keep the pain down! Of course, at the end I had to bite down on the mold and held it there for 7 minutes, with my mouth filled with spit and water. I also had to hold that bite evenly, otherwise she would have to do the molding all over again! It was the most uncomfortable feeling. After all this, my gum was sore and I had to take Motrin to relieve the pain.

Photo of my dental work

Here’s what I looked like after she removed the old filling. In a close-up, the front tooth on the right-middle side was mostly gone. I’m kinda scared to look at this myself; I looked like a zombie. She had put in a temporary tooth afterwards, so it doesn’t look so bad now. I still have to be careful when I brush and eat – this thing can fall off at any time if I’m not careful.

I can’t wait for next week when the real crown is installed.

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7 Responses to “Dental Impression”

  1. Periapex says:

    Your canines make you look like a vampire, not a zombie.

    I’m tagging you for a meme BTW. Sorry about that, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but I’m just following the rules.

    Periapex’s last blog post..8 Random Things About Me.

  2. Carolyn B. says:

    Sympathies! I have four crowns. Hope you recover quickly. :o)

    Carolyn B.’s last blog post..Twitter Digest: My Tweets for 2008-04-15

  3. fragileheart says:

    Yikes… dentists scare me. Hope you feel better soon!

    Off topic: come oooonnnn do Peri’s/My Meme… I’m sure there are 8 different random things you can do from the ones you did before. Especially since you cheated in the 7 weird things with #2 & #3 ;P

    fragileheart’s last blog post..21: The movie

  4. rudyamid says:

    @Periapex: Good thing the Motrin made me sleep, otherwise I would be up all night like a vampire.
    @Carolyn: This was my 3rd crown: two in front, one on back teeth. I didn’t remember the first one, but the process for 2nd and 3rd were awful.
    @Reggy: Thanks for the get well wish. After a good night sleep, my gums are alright now. Also, I’ll see what I can do about the new meme. Give me time, or otherwise I’ll cheat again. 😉

  5. fragileheart says:

    You’re welcome! Glad you’re feeling better. And I’m glad to see you’ll try the Meme!

    fragileheart’s last blog post..Because it takes my breath away

  6. rudyamid says:

    Still thinking………………..

  7. I’ve had a number of people tell me that the fear of the pain is worse than the pain itself 🙂

    My suggestion for next time is to find out something that you REALLY need to think about (ie a work or philosophical project) and spend most of time thinking about it.

    Good luck, thanks!

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