Justin at Blogosis has just tagged me with this meme. Apparently it originated he got it from Wogan May (I swear this guy looks like Booger from Revenge of the Nerds). It is a good way to introduce myself and a fun creative exercise. Now it’s my turn to figure this one out.

So what the heck is “blego”? Here are what others have tried to define it so far, plus my opinion what it ought to be:

Blego (evilwoobie.com’s definition) – n. an acronym of “blog ego”, which pertains to a blogger’s sense of self in the blogosphere.

Blego (Darkside-Dreamland.com’s definition) – n. a protologism combining blog and ego. Used to define the ego of a blog or blogger. Like personal ego, blego may be good or bad.

Blego (benbarden.com’s definition) – n. a toy for children to build with but with a B in front.

BLEGO (WoganMay.com’s definition) – abbr. Breaking Little Enterprises – Godzilla Organisations.

Blego (Blogosis.com’s definition) – n. An Eggo waffle and a blog mixed together. I don’t know what this would look like, but maybe I can come up with a prototype.

Blego (amid.com’s defintion)expression. “Bleh, let’s go!” If you’re being forced to go somewhere or do something, by your spouse or friends, just slur those words together and get “blego”. It is usually said after a big sigh. For example, “Do I have to? Hrmph! Blego!”

As any meme, this one has rules.

  1. The person tagged must copy the word (”Blego”) and paste the definitions of the word contributed previously by the people who did the meme.
  2. Link backs would be nice, but not necessary.
  3. The person tagged must then add her own definition in this format ‘yourname.com’s definition’ and place your link. Being creative with the acronym is encouraged.
  4. Answer the following questions.
  5. Tag 5 other people to do the meme.

For #4, here are the answers to the questions:

  1. Do you know what your blog is really about, and you can write a one-sentence promotional material for it in a flash? If yes, write it here.

    This blog is my personal diary as a geek learning how to write (blog) properly, and record what I’ve discovered online and off-line.
  2. Do you join social networks to promote your blog? If yes, do you hope to find friends in these social networks and in the process get regular readers of your blog?

    Yes I do, but not actively. I have used StumbleUpon and Twitter to announce new posts, but that’s about it. I tried submitting my posts to Digg but it didn’t get me any significant traffic. The only one that gets me regular readers for my blog is from EntreCard. That community has been supportive, and the people are generally like me – a small blog site.
  3. Do you or do you plan to join ranking sites that put your blog in competition with others for popularity? If yes, do you or do you plan to monitor your stats regularly?

    No. I don’t monitor my stats regularly either. I don’t actively market my blog.
  4. Do you tweak your blog often in accordance with the tips you get from blogging guides and gurus? If yes, list the bloggers you visit often to obtain these tips.

    Sure. There are great blogging tips from Darren Rowse and Seth Godin. Right now I’m concentrating on how to write, because if you can’t understand me, you won’t like what I’ve written.
  5. Do you think of your next post even if you have just written a new one? If yes, list your inspirations for posting, and/or some routines that you go through before posting.

    All the time. I have at least 5 draft posts ready to go at any time. They’re useful during dry weeks when I’m on vacation, or have nothing to say. My inspirations are from my day-to-day life, conversation with friends, and reading other people’s blogs. My recent routine is to start micro blogging using tumblr. Making quick notes of the things I read/found on the internet is a good way to generate ideas for my next post.

Ok, so now is the fun part. I get to tag 5 more people to follow this meme. I shall now ask:

  • Scribbles and Words
    I asked and Jay said OK. He is one writer I’m trying emulate. Good to pick his brain with the 5 questions.
  • Life’s Context
    My Canadian College Comrade. He’s also a dentist and an active blogger. This should be interesting.
  • Correr Es Mi Destino
    Another one of my favourite Canadian. Juliette has an artist/history/European background, so her thoughts will be valuable.
  • GeekMom Mashup
    Heather has written that she normally doesn’t do memes. I might get lucky and have her grace us with her insight.
  • Chexed
    David has a random mind that I can relate to. It’ll be very interesting to read his thoughts on this.

There you have it! As Roger Federer always says, “the ball is in your court!”

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14 Responses to “Blego? What The Heck is a Blego?”

  1. Wogan May says:

    I. Am. Not. A. NERD.

    Seriously. People confuse “Geek” and “Nerd” way too easily. I’m a geek. Nerds are completely different things.

    And no, I am not the originator of that particular meme. Check out Ben Barden’s post (definition links to his site) for more info on where it comes from. I’m just continuing the trend of annoying the hell out of people 😛

    In fact, as a general rule, I hate memes altogether. Though I figured I’d see what would happen if I tagged the bloggers I know.

    ~ Wogan

    Wogan May’s last blog post..Entrecard ? LOL

  2. rudyamid says:

    Oops, my bad. I chose the wrong word to indicate where it came from. It has been corrected.

    Back in junior high, there was a girl who used to call me the “computer nerd”. I told myself that it was a term of endearment. 😉 No matter, nerds are cool too!

    I’ve been tagged with another meme. Imagine that, two in one week. Someone must like me. Really really like me.

  3. Christy says:

    Hehe, I immediately though of a newbie lego designer building a lego building that just couldn’t make the cut. A blego. Hehe.

    Christy’s last blog post..Does the Kawaii Comic fall under “geek”

  4. Zhu says:

    Thanks for the tag! Oh my god, I’m gonna need to use my imagination… all I can think of, as someone has already mentioned, is Lego with a B!

    Happy Chinese new year if you celebrate 😉

    Zhu’s last blog post..Winterlude (Or Having Fun In The Cold)

  5. rudyamid says:

    LEGO is such a popular brand. It’s almost hard to disassociate blego from LEGO.

    We do celebrate Chinese New Year. Gonna wear red sweater on Feb 7. Gong Xi Fa Chai! Happy Rat Year 2008!

  6. J.F.H. says:

    Done and Done. :o)

    J.F.H.’s last blog post..Q&A: Blogging (and Blego)

  7. rudyamid says:

    Thanks Jay. It’s always interesting to read the answers to blogging questions.

  8. GeekMom says:

    Ok, Rudy. I’m going to have to put some thought into this one. Thanks for the link!

    GeekMom’s last blog post..Are you ready for pi day?

  9. rudyamid says:

    You’re welcome, Heather. And thanks for joining in. Take your time – but not too long! 🙂

  10. Periapex says:

    You’re lucky that I respect the fact that your Blog Fu is better than my Blog Fu. I usually disinvolve myself from memes. But for you I’ll do it.

    BTW, your Kung Fu is also better than my Kung Fu.

    Periapex’s last blog post..Reeding and Righting Level.

  11. rudyamid says:

    Well, I’m touched that you think my Fu is better than yours. But I suspect in no time at all, your Fu will surpass mine.

    I know a lot of people don’t like memes because it has rules and questions that you may not have the answer. Blogs are generally personal, so if the owner is forced to write a post with someone else’s terms, the blogger will feel uncomfortable.

    Thanks for giving this meme a stab. Who knows, you might end up enjoying it.

  12. David Rader says:

    Hello Rudy! I have finally posted the meme! I didn’t have a proper place to put it on my main site, chexed.com, but I put it on my blogspot blog (just click my name).

    I hope it doesn’t sound cynical or offensive. I personally don’t like this kind of thing because it does remind me of a chain letter and I feel like I’m filling out a form (which out of less than 10 things in the world, I dislike almost to the point of hating).

    In some ways I kind of do like it, but over all I don’t like it even more… 55% dislike, 45% like. I posted it because it’s you, and I like you. You have that likeness quality that is very expensive, and I like nice things.

    Just joking about the less than 10 things… I do try not to hate anything though, and although you do have that likeness quality, I don’t consider it expensive, I consider it priceless! Something money can’t buy (except on the black market or highly secret download sites on the internet) 😉

    David Rader’s last blog post..Blego Definition

  13. David Rader says:

    sorry mean to hit *notify me up followup comments.. thanks for tagging me by the way 😀

  14. rudyamid says:

    Hi David. You’re most awesome! Thanks for doing it. Especially for me. This is one of those moments when blogging is so much fun to do.

    Also thanks for the kind words! I hope to be able to keep up the “likeness quality”.

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