My tagline says I have curiosity. But what does it mean to be curious? My takes on being curious are:

  • Figure out how things work
  • Figure out how things fit in
  • Figure out how things interact with other things

I can also summarize it as: I don’t know, therefore I need to know.

Seth Godin has one explanation. It’s more of a philosophical explanation. It’s not the final answer, but it’s a good start.

CURIOSITY from Nic Askew on Vimeo.


8 Responses to “Being Curious”

  1. Music Site says:

    I guess me reading your headline title (being curious) and wondering what did you write about it and reading it which took me few minutes, I guess this is curiousity, cause I was curious, lol.

    I guess trying to know the things that belong to others and even if people don’t want to share them but you keep trying to know, I think this kind of curiousity, this is why I believe reading blogs is a type of curiousity even if the blogger want the people to read, it is just that the people who do so then they are curious,


  2. Zhu says:

    Being curious is always good!

    I’m usually pretty curious about people, not in a bad nosy way of course (I hope!).

    Zhu’s last blog post..Things That Suck

  3. J.F.H. says:

    People often mistake my curiosity for A.D.D. ;o)

    J.F.H.’s last blog post..What One Month of Blogging Has Taught Me (and some stats)

  4. rudyamid says:

    @Zhu : you just want to get to know people, there’s nothing wrong with that!

    @Jay: being curious requires more attention. there’s no deficit in that, I tell ya!

    @music: I guess you’re right.

  5. As in the video, I was also lucky enough to grow up in a home where curiosity was encouraged. I was also lucky enough to live in smaller towns/cities where the student teacher ratio was low enough to encourage the same in many cases.

    We really do need to get back to capturing our curiosity. So many people have this idea that they need to grow up and face “reality” and stop only having dreams. As it turns out, the only thing that makes reality worth working in may be those dreams.

    Chris Schaffer’s last blog post..The Sidestep

  6. […] recent post about curiosity reminded me of my last […]

  7. rudyamid says:

    Hi Chris. Living in a big city does take away a lot of the innocent curiosity in all of us. Speaking of making reality worth living because of our dreams, check out this claymation video “More” that conveys that exact same message.

  8. […] question everything. Part curious. Part […]

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