Living in a highly developed country, like Canada or United States, I’m bound to pay a lot of taxes.  Canada has a burgeoning public health care system, pegging the Canadian income tax up to 50% (and additional Goods & Services tax).  Meanwhile, the United States is moving towards more taxes if (or when) the “Public Option” health care passes.  As it is right now, I’m already paying extra for Social Security and Medicare – the systems that are not only bankrupt, they won’t be enough to support me financially when I’m retired!

I’m also upset 47% of US Population will pay no federal income tax in 2009!  The numbers show most people who make less than $50k/year will not pay income tax.  Is it tax rebellion, loop-hole, or simply taking advantage of the country’s welfare system?  It’s just disturbing!

What’s also disturbing, America’s total income only came from top 1% of the population!  That’s right, only the rich support this country!  So, not only there are a lot of free-loaders in this country, the current administration intends to make the rich pay more!  So much for working hard to earn the American dream.

Now some of  us may think, the rich can certainly share some of their earnings because they have so much money.  But if it’s from your blood, sweat, and tears, would we be willing to give away your money to the government, just like that?  I rather give my money to the people that I know who need it.  I rather give my money to reputable charities that I know will help others.

I don’t need the government to tell me where to put my money.  I certainly don’t need them to take it from me, forcefully.

Why does the government wants our money?  Besides the obvious, they have a HUGE debt to pay: $2.7 TRILLION in total Federal spending – and it’s increasing!

No wonder people are protesting.  If people disagree that the government is out of control, they must be the free-loaders in this country.

What should this government do?  Here’s my opinion:

  1. Make the “Public Option”, an option.  If I don’t use it, I don’t have to pay for it.
  2. Similarly, Social Security and Medicare need to be optional.  it’s ridiculous that I have to have 401k and private health insurance to supplement the government’s “benefits”.  Why am I forced to pay those taxes if I’m not going to be able to rely on them?
  3. How about using Social Security and Medicare to fund the Obamacare?  That’s assuming the government still has money in those programs to do it.
  4. Charitable contributions and Tuition fees must count a lot more towards tax deductions.  If we’re going to be known as a smart and compassionate nation, the government needs to fully foster charities and education.
  5. Realize that the US can’t play the world’s policeman, indefinitely.  The other nations, especially NATO, must step up.  This will reduce the US military spending.
  6. Stop the “stimulus” or “pork” packages.  They’re just irresponsible spending.
  7. More tax breaks for the working middle class.  I’m a middle class worker.  I diligently pay my taxes.  I put in my fair share to help this ailing economy.  I need to be taxed less, not more!

There.  I just solved the US Economic  problem.  I’m waiting for my Nobel Peace Prize.

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3 Responses to “Taxes and More Taxes!”

  1. Rudy, tell me how you really feel! : )

    There is so much in life that we can complain about but that will only take the focus away from what is wonderful in the world.

    Rudy, I rather focus on what Iam grateful for.

    Thanks for your article.
    .-= Gigi @ the history of kwanzaa´s last blog ..The History and Celebration of Kwanzaa updated Sun Oct 11 2009 10:39 pm CDT =-.

  2. rudyamid says:

    This was one of those rare moments that I had to outline what’s wrong with this world.

    Here’s praying for a better future.

  3. Taxes are going to keep going up. The rich probably will not share alot their money simply cause they worked hard. I mean i not going to completly judge them cause they probably do give donations!

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