Twitter Mosaic EarthI’ve used Twitter since the beginning of this year. I must say it can be quite addicting to sit around and watch people announce what they are doing. People sometimes post links which is a great way to discover new blogs and sites. But mostly, it’s about posting their current activity. It’s micro-blogging at its finest.

I started off following a handful of people. By checking out who they follow, I get to find more people. There are friendly people out there like @tiddlytwinks, @menwithpens, @ittybiz, @brettlegree, @ageekgal, @emom, @terencechang, @epiblogger, @deege, @conniefoggles, @wpcandy, @epochblue, @melissadonovan, @gorillasushi, @cbahm, @martinbowling, @jfhscribbles, and @saphrym. Following these people will jump start your pleasant Twitter experience!

It’s a little trickier to get people to follow me, let alone respond to me. For those with many followers with 1000+ tweets a day, it’s next to impossible to read all of them. They have limited attention span. Some have more ego than others, so they tend to ignore those with less notoriety. However, there are people who have a huge number of follower that are actually worth following, such as @problogger, @scobleizer, @doshdosh, @copyblogger, and @technosailor. These are the people who see the true value of the Twitter community, and have already built a friendly image.

Let’s build a community! Follow me and I’ll follow you. Let me know who else I should follow.

Photo Credit: Twitter Mosaic

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28 Responses to “Following Twitter”

  1. Lin Burress says:

    Hi Rudy! Thanks for including lil ol me in your Twitter fest. I do LOVE Twitter!

    I can’t figure out where many of my new followers are coming from, but it’s really important to actually engage with each other. It is my personal opinion that Twitter beats all other social networking sites around. The ability to build relationships with other bloggers (many of my followers are not even in my niche) is the key to successful networking.

    Sometimes I forget to leave a little Tweet that I’m leaving the computer, or going to bed etc, and later find people have been messaging me and I missed them. Oops my bad! Gotta remember to say bye. πŸ™‚

    Lin Burress’s last blog post..How to Spice Up Your Marriage: Fun and Easy Ways to Add Romance to Your Relationship

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi Lin.
    You’re welcome. And it’s good to have you in our little Twitter community. Everyone in Twitter is like a resource that we can tap into, and you in particular have been very helpful. Here’s looking forward to more Tweets from you.

    As for leaving Tweets when you’re going off-line, it’s hard to be consistent at that. But we expect it with Twitter or any Instant Messanging apps… we’re not always on the other side of the keyboard all the time. πŸ˜‰

  3. Micro blogging indeed!

    I love The Twitter, instant info and good laughs.

    I just wish twhirl would come out with an iphone version.

    Jay Francis Hunter’s last blog post..Manipulating Typography: Helvetica to Hellvetica

  4. rudyamid says:

    Hi Jay.
    I tried out the iPhone last week at the Apple Store. It’s pretty nice. I can certainly see a iPhone Twitter client catching on like a wildfire. Isn’t there one already?

  5. I use PocketTweets right now, but the features are lousy.

    Jay Francis Hunter’s last blog post..Manipulating Typography: Helvetica to Hellvetica

  6. rudyamid says:

    Oh, that’s right, I’ve seen a few on my follow list are using PocketTweets. Seeing how popular the iPhone is, it won’t take long before you see better clients on it.

  7. Connie says:

    I’m loving Twitter! Thanks for including me on your list. It’s so nice to take a break and read about your friend’s day or write about something going on too.

    I’m going to check out the people you have listed and possibly add them to my list.

    You’re a good friend on Twitter, always willing to help out and make me laugh too!

    Connie’s last blog post..I Missed It

  8. Carolyn Bahm says:

    Hi, Rudy! Thanks very much for including me on your Twitter round-up. I’m new to it but loving it. I found some cool Twitterers to follows by checking who everyone else was talking to and going to their Twitter home pages to check them out. I’m slowly adding.

    Another tip — have you tried Twubble? It looks at who your Twitter friends follow, I think, and makes recommendations on new folks to tweet with. Check it out at

    I also use Twitter Tools, a WordPress plugin on my blog:

    See ya in the Twitterhood. :oP

    Carolyn Bahm’s last blog post..Twitter Digest: My Tweets for 2008-04-20

  9. rudyamid says:

    No problem. Always nice to see friendly personalities on Twitter, and you’re definitely one. As for being funny – well, I try. Hopefully I don’t fall flat on my face, like circus clowns usually do. πŸ˜‰
    You represent the “What are you doing?” Twitter motto quite well with your tweets. It’s fun to find out what you’re upto…

    As for Twubble, yes I do use it. In fact it’s going to be next in my Twitter post series. Along with the other Twitter apps that I’ve discovered. Oh, and I also dumped Alex King’s Twitter Tools because it’s a huge plugin and doesn’t work right – I prefer Twitterfeed.

    Seeya in Twitterland (as soon as they fix the cache issue).

  10. Carolyn Bahm says:

    I’ve been looking at Twitterfeed. Good to hear someone’s giving it a thumb’s up. May give it a go. :o)

    I know what you mean about the Twitter cache issue. Incoming! I feel like someone who’s trying to take a sip from a fire hose. *sputter*

    See ya – Carolyn

    Carolyn Bahm’s last blog post..Twitter Digest: My Tweets for 2008-04-20

  11. Periapex says:

    I’m looking forward to your next post on Twitter apps…I know I’ll find some useful stuff in there as always.

    Periapex’s last blog post..Too Much Sugar-Free Gum Might Give You The Squirts.

  12. rudyamid says:

    @Carolyn: What will you do when Twitter is down? Hmm… πŸ˜‰
    @Periapex: There are some useful ones – at least to me.

  13. Zhu says:

    I haven’t found the time yet πŸ™

    I can barely keep up with my feed! How do you guys do it???

    Zhu’s last blog post..The Ad-Spot Contest Winners… Announced!

  14. rudyamid says:

    Hi Zhu.
    Well, I don’t pay 100% attention to Twitter, but when I do, I get a lot out of it. As for my RSS feeds, I keep it down to a minimum, like 20-30 or so. I also try to categorize them by Must-Read, Nice-to-Read, and Sometimes-Read. I treat them like reading my e-mails, as a daily ritual.

    Of course, when Real Life(tm) calls, I drop everything online, and go off-line. Keeping that balance is important.

  15. C K says:

    Thanks Rudy for the update on Twitter. I went to sign up (as ckwoo) immediately after reading your post. Have followed you! Cheers!

    C K’s last blog post..Love thy Neighbours…

  16. rudyamid says:

    Hi CK.
    I just followed you! Welcome to the revolution! πŸ™‚

  17. […] of stuff written about Twitter all over the blogosphere these days because as Rudy says, “it’s micro-blogging at its finest“. Twitter is best described as a hybrid status updater (like in facebook) and an instant […]

  18. […] so now I’m following a bunch of people in Twitter.Β  What’s next?Β  I read in other’s posts like Nowsourcing, Dave Fleet, and […]

  19. Twitter goes down so often you’d think it was related to Divine Brown. Give it up. is where it’s at for savvy social networkers these days.


    David Bradley’s last blog post..Vapor Trails

  20. rudyamid says:

    A lot people persist with Twitter because of it’s simplicity and API. System downtime is inevitable, a pain every company with a web presence have to go through. The question is how they handle it, and so far Twitter Inc. has been very professional and honest. Gotta give them loyalty credits for that.

    As for plurk, it has a nice GUI, which is probably more appealing to women. But, I don’t need another social networking site to beta test. I’ll wait for power users like Robert Scoble to endorse it before I give it a shot.

  21. I know where you’re coming from, but it always seems worth being an early adopter for systems that seem to have legs, even if it does mean being a bit of a beta guy, you’re sure to catch a few people’s eyes as you plurk, pownce, twitter or whatever…

    David Bradley’s last blog post..Vapor Trails

  22. rudyamid says:

    If plurk is as popular as Twitter is now, then it’ll be interesting to see how they handle the traffic. Wait and see, I suppose.

    I didn’t like pownce because it has ads from the get-go.

  23. Yeah, if they’re getting as much interest as some pundits claim, it’s all going to come crashing down unless they’ve got really robust servers in place.

    David Bradley’s last blog post..Vapor Trails

  24. rudyamid says:

    I hope they’re not using Ruby on Rails. πŸ™‚

  25. Great list! I added a few that i didnt have.

    portland search marketing’s last blog post..Firefox 3 Tool: Snap Links Plugin for Firefox 3

  26. Hye Munar says:

    Hi Rudy… I still don’t use Twitter but after reading your post, it made me want to register and meet other people. Thanks for the heads up. Being a newbie blogger is hard as I have a lot of things to learn and I am so glad I saw your blog as I learn a lesson from each of your post, especially at the most commented section.

    Hye Munar’s last blog post..Google Chrome Browser Released For Download on Tuesday

  27. rudyamid says:

    Give Twitter a try. You can’t go wrong!

  28. I heard Twitter is a good tool to get some backlink? Is this true?

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