Diary PicToday is an amazing day. It has been two years since I made my first blog entry to this server! Time flies when you’re having fun. My original motivation to start a blog was to see if I could do it. It was a simple exercise of patience and persistence. In the past, I could never write a journal or a diary, so I was hoping blogging was a way to change that. I wanted my blog to be a work of love, something my family and friends could enjoy, and not let money be the motivating factor.

I started off with a freeware blogging software called Serendipity, which I found (at the time) to be simple and fast. It was my first foray into this Web 2.0 thing, and a chance to learn managing Apache, PHP and MySQL on Linux. I didn’t think too much about it back then, entered a few of entries in the beginning, and then slacked off for a few months. Blogging didn’t really catch on with me until I started using WordPress. Part of the problem with Serendipity was the kludgey user interface. It was too cumbersome for me to type in my posts. With WordPress, using its slick UI, plugins support, and abundance selection of themes, I was hooked again. Now I’m actually enjoying the process of blogging.

Originally, I hoped these 4 things would hold up in order for me to continue blogging:

  1. My commitment to enter new blog entries
  2. This old AMD box to die on me
  3. This Maxtor hard drive to die on me
  4. Safe and stable internet connection

My commitment is still here. My old AMD Athlon 650Mhz has finally bit the dust last December. My internet connection hasn’t been rock solid with AT&T Yahoo DSL, but I manage to get around it without any additional cost. The old Maxtor hard drive got errors and took down the site last May, which I replaced with a Seagate SATA drive.

So now, after 2 years, my hopes and expectations are still the same. I am so glad I can continue to learn something new from this, engage my brain on a daily basis, and keep up-to-date with the latest technology trends. Also, my hope is that 10 years from now, my daughter will read my entries and learn from my experiences. Who knows, maybe it’ll make a good meal conversation starter, or material for her own blog entries.

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10 Responses to “Two years of blogging!”

  1. monaco says:

    congratulations for having made it to your second year! I’m still two months away from my first anniversay and hope to continue blooging as long as I can.

  2. rudyamid says:

    Thanks! I plan to blog as long as I can too.

  3. Lis says:

    Wow 2 years! Happy blogiversary! I’m hitting my 1 year soon in about a week’s time!

    Lis’s last blog post..Stop the Bleeding

  4. Paul says:

    Congrats on your two years. I just started about 6.5 months ago, and at times it has been difficult to continue writing.

    You should feel proud that you have managed to continue for 2 years when many people fail after months or even weeks.

    Paul’s last blog post..DNS Issue when Accessing a Web Page

  5. rudyamid says:

    Blogiversary? New word. I like it! I’ll be sure to visit your site during your blogiversary and bring a cake with a candle on it.

    I am proud that I can last this long. There were times that I had to lay off for a while. Getting back to blogging is pretty easy, so keep on writing! Thanks for visiting!

  6. Ameloblast says:

    Hey congrats! I’m actually accepting suggestions to help me choose between MovableType and WordPress…any thoughts?

    Ameloblast’s last blog post..The End of the Experiment.

  7. rudyamid says:

    Thanks. I’m not really familiar with MovableTypes so I can’t really comment on the ease of use of it. All I know is WordPress has a rich set of utilities and an awesome community support base. WP is also super easy to install and upgrade. From all of the blog sites that I’ve visited, it’s either WP-based or Blogger.com based. Since you’re moving away from Blogger, my suggestion is to look into WP.

    Good luck. I’m looking forward to see your “New Experiment”.

  8. mikster says:

    Congrats! I’ve been blogging for over 5 years between 4 different blogs and I’ve stuck with blogspot with all of them.

    mikster’s last blog post..I Think It’s Time For A Switch

  9. rudyamid says:

    Thanks Mikster. You sound like an aspiring blogger who wants to blog about specific topics. I can see how that can be easier to maintain, especially with Blogger.com.

  10. […] mentioned the term “blogiversary” to me in a comment last year.  It was to mark my 2nd year blogging anniversary.  Well, today is the third year, already!  […]

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