rambo 4 imageThe fun people at slashfilm.com has the Rambo death chart that pretty much describes the movie Rambo 4. In summary, this time Rambo is still the lonely, fully clothed killing machine who quickly kills (and encourage others to kill) bad guys, because the bad guys kill more good guys in the first place.

Rotten Tomatoes doesn’t give the movie much love neither.

If you don’t want to waste $12 to see it in theaters, you can watch it here.


14 Responses to “Rambo 4: The Summary”

  1. Jean Costa says:

    To be honest with you, I did enjoy the movie.

    Jean Costa’s last blog post..Thurday Reviews Edition 3

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi Jean. You enjoyed the first half, or the 2nd half? Most people like the 2nd half when he goes on a rampage.

  3. Jean Costa says:

    I enjoyed the first part and the 2nd part. 🙂

  4. rudyamid says:

    Jean: then you’re a part of the 38% of Rotten Tomatoes’ critics who like the movie. 😉

  5. Jean Costa says:

    Yeah, then again, I also enjoyed the recent Rocky Film.

    So maybe I am easily entertained? lol

    If I had to choose between the recent Rocky or Rambo. I would choose Rocky.

  6. rudyamid says:

    The last Rocky film was OK. I didn’t hate it because Stallone tried to get back its roots. But that’s exactly the problem, it feels too much like the original Rocky. Almost like a copy.

    I think Stallone has pretty much stretched all of his successful movie franchises, to a point that he won’t get any more out of them.

  7. Lee says:

    I personally cant wait to see this movie… i know it will be dumb… but i like to be dumb from time to time 😛

    Lee’s last blog post..Darkness – Poem

  8. rudyamid says:

    Hi Lee. There’s definitely an “entertainment” value to it, if you like non-stop action for 30-40 minutes.

  9. Zhu says:

    I actually kinda enjoyed the movie. I saw it at a discount price though, wouldn’t have paid the full price for it. Sorry Rambo, but you look old!

    Zhu’s last blog post..Woman On Top

  10. rudyamid says:

    Hi Zhu. Stallone is looking kinda old, but he’s in a pretty good shape.

  11. Watch Movies says:

    I agree with rudyamid. The second half of the movie was what made it worth watching. It was kind of a boring start, but overall I think this was the best Rambo movie made 😀

  12. rudyamid says:

    Rambo: First Blood is still the best one in the series. #4 is definitely my second choice.

  13. Cool Stuff says:

    Rambo is one of my favorite characters… when i was a kid.. not anymore now 😛
    I will not spend money to watch this movie in the cinema.. it’s great to be able to watch it for free online. Thanks 🙂

    Cool Stuff’s last blog post..Free PDF Editor

  14. rudyamid says:

    Rambo was not appropriate for a kid. I couldn’t believe your parents let you watch it. Goes to show how much violence we had been exposed to when we were growing up.

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