This is video is going around the Internet as an inspiration for those who are doing creative work, such as blogging.  In the first 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I gathered the key points that applied to my blogging life:

  • I get into it because I believe I have good taste.
  • Sometimes I believe what I posted is not that good.
  • I’m still looking for the special thing(s).
  • I am going through a volume of work, making deadlines, even though I don’t get paid to do this.
  • I must not give up.

Ira Glass is a host and producer of This American Life show.


13 Responses to “Keep Going and Get It Done”

  1. haleyhughes says:

    I’ve watched this video. It’s part of a series of four. Excellent stuff here. The section you highlighted range true with me also.

    I also got out of it that we as creative people should keep producing, keep throwing things against the wall and see what sticks. We learn even from our failures.

    haleyhughes’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Dancing in the Park

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi Haley,

    We, as producers of content, tend to think it’s never good enough, get discouraged, and quit. I’ve known a few people in my RSS feed who do that. They would produce great content, but then they just stopped coming up with a new post for a while, or ever. Quite disappointing.

  3. I hope that I never consider anything I do as “good enough”! For me, I can always do better and I always need to be striving.

    Jason – GorillaSushi’s last blog post..Best Ever Caption Contest

  4. rudyamid says:

    Hey Jason,

    Some people are more critical on themselves, and I think this is who he’s referring to as the creative people. The people who never say good enough. The people who are easily discouraged, and quit.

  5. fragileheart says:

    Hmmm….. should I write all my opinions now or wait till my post about confidence comes out? tick tock tick tock…. ;P

    fragileheart’s last blog post..From my New York travels diary (no.1)

  6. rudyamid says:

    Hi Reggy,

    Write your opinions now! Or at least give us a few teasers…. 😉

  7. fragileheart says:

    Hehehe Rudy… I’m horrible at teasers so I’ll have to leave it at that! If I start to write something I’ll give away too much!

    fragileheart’s last blog post..From my New York travels diary (no.1)

  8. Very good motivational video I had seen.. Set the dateline? I had set schedule for submit my new story at least twice a days. Is that same?

    Halim-Belajar SEO’s last blog post..Create your own free website | Step by step | newbie guide

  9. rudyamid says:

    Well, I guess I just have to wait for your posts! Looking forward to it.
    Yes, submitting a story twice a day is setting a deadline. That’s quite a lot, though. But if you can, then it’s great.

  10. Wow. That was really insightful. Makes me look back on my music career and wish I would have stuck with writing. Then again, it always seemed to be being a good writer shouldn’t be that hard. If you really, really, really struggle to get it, are you really focusing on where you’ll be the most successful? I still struggle with that question.

  11. rudyamid says:

    When you got the talent, keep pursuing it.

    Better be good at one thing, than too many things.

  12. This is a really good article! Thanks for sharing this and I will be including a reference in an article that I am writing for another website that I own.

    Wind Generator’s last blog post..An Altitude Change on Wind Power

  13. Alexa says:

    Make a list of must see places that you definitely don’t want to miss and plan your trip around them……think about festivals, concerts, etc etc

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