Twitter’s popularity is on an all time high.  I can tell they’re being used more often now by the amount of Twitter tools available out there.  Here’s a round up on what I’ve recently used regularly, in addition to what I’ve listed before.

  1. Summize
    It’s becoming de facto search engine for Twitter.  Fast and reliable.  Hat tip to Rachel who pointed this out to me.
  2. Twitpic
    Sharing pictures over Twitter has never been easier with it.  The built-in picture post from Twhirl is a nice bonus.
  3. Twerpscan
    I sometimes wonder how many people I follow don’t follow me back.  Well, this site will help me figure it out.  What I haven’t figured out is whether I should unfollow them.  I can learn a lot from the “A-List” talking heads.  I must confess that I’ve unfollowed some of the big names, which will remain nameless.
  4. Twitter Sync
    A Facebook application that lets me use my Twitter posts as my Facebook status updates.  Fully configurable.  It worked great until Twitter decided to temporarily disable their IM feature, which pretty much broke the app.  Nevertheless, it’s a useful application and I’m anticipating Twitter IM to be re-enabled so I can use it again.  I don’t like changing my Facebook status manually.
  5. Everything Twitter
    Not an application, but it’s a blog run by the social media diva, Corvida.  She has everything related to Twitter.


Because people noticed every single thing wrong with Twitter, the company decided to create their own, ever useful, Twitter Status Page.  It’s not always up-to-the minute but it provides useful information on their progress, or lack of it.  Since I’m already a tumblr user, I just simply follow the updates in my dashboard.

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8 Responses to “Follow Up on Twitter Stuff”

  1. Another very useful and interesting post. There just seem to be so many sites auxiliary to Twitter, you’d think the team would recognize the demand and incorporate all these features into the system itself. Hey, did you overlook tweetscan or is that redundant given what you have listed.

    I’m at in case anyone wants to friend up.

    David Bradley’s last blog post..Bird Flu Flap

  2. rudyamid says:

    Hi David,

    Yes, I listed Tweetscan in the previous post, but I found that tool to be unreliable. blows it away.

    I think that’s the point of Twitter API is to spawn up these start-ups. I’m sure, one day, someone will come ahead and aggregate/offer everything. Whether or not that should be Twitter Inc., that’s debatable. I would love to see Summize Inc. to expand beyond search.

  3. Dave Fleet says:

    Nice post. I’ve found Summize excellent for following Twitter conversations. The RSS feed is very helpful; in addition, I find the real-time notifications of the number of search results useful

    Dave Fleet’s last blog post..How To Set Up A Simple Online Monitoring System

  4. rudyamid says:

    Hey Dave,

    Yes, especially when Twitter’s @-reply feature is disabled. I’ve used Summized to figure out who replied to me recently.

    And thanks for the heads-up on the RSS feed feature. That is certainly VERY useful. I’m already keeping track of a few keywords!

  5. Ah, yes, so you did (mention Tweetscan, that is). Summize does look a whole lot better. And, I see your point about the API, just makes everything feel very disjointed. In contrast to the add-ins one is used to with Facebook for instance.

    David Bradley’s last blog post..Bird Flu Flap

  6. Chris Miller says:

    Awesome link to EverythingTwitter. Well over 100 tools now listed. Thanks

  7. fragileheart says:

    Grrrr I’m so off twitter right now. The site never works, or you guys never see my tweets anyway. I don’t want to have to use an external program just to use it! Bah humbug!

    fragileheart’s last blog Quervain’s tenosynovitis and some wheezing

  8. rudyamid says:

    Hi Reggy,

    You were on vacation for 2 weeks, also, away from Twitter and it’s still somewhat broken. The problem with Twitter is frustrating a lot of people. It’s sort of like a drug addiction: take away the drugs and we’re now suffering withdrawals. 😉

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