American FlagI remembered the day of September 11, 2001.  My mom called me at 5 AM and asked if we were alright and told me the US was hit by a terrorist attack. I was too disoriented to even give it a second thought, so I told her we were fine – and went back to sleep.  A couple of hours later, I woke up, turned on the news, and there it was the biggest news of the day (if not, ever)!  I watched in horror and sadness as I saw those twin towers fell, killing thousands of people in New York City.  I remembered the subsequent days afterwards, President George W. Bush and Congress unanimously pushed to hunt down Al Qaeda and the mastermind himself, Osama Bin Laden.  The US government got the full support of its people and the world.

Now, they finally got Osama Bin Laden!  US Navy Seals Team 6 killed him where he stayed in Pakistan.  There is no question on America’s resolve in making sure justice is served, no matter how long it takes and how much it costs.  This is one reason why I’m proud to be an American! This victory is a major step to boost the morale of this nation, and other peace loving citizens around the world.

However, in the months and years ahead, we all must still be cautious.  Peace always has an enemy, and the enemy will not simply stop with the death of Osama bin Laden.  As others agree, the terrorists surely have more than one leader. We must not forget the work that we did to build safer nations, like in Afghanistan and Iraq, are very important to the stability of the region and the fight against terror. Everyone must stay vigilant and continue to push the effort to root out terrorist leads and activities.

I support the troops in their efforts and sacrifices, to keep us safe and making this world a better place!

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5 Responses to “No more Osama bin Laden!”

  1. hi Rudy,
    I remember that morning on 9/11 as well, and the feeling of disbelief and then unimaginable shock as the first tower fell, and then the second. I will never forget that day. You’re right, it’s great that we got Osama, but it ain’t over yet and we can’t let down our guard. May justice and freedom prevail! Excellent post. Steve

  2. rudyamid says:

    Thanks, Steve. It’s also the time to reflect on what’s happening. Evaluate the results and learn from it.

  3. xmulderx says:

    I am still alive & Bin Laden is not. Go figure. Radix i am back on irc.. but no longer using facebook. got your birthday wishes tho. Thanks mate!

  4. rudyamid says:

    You’re still alive but did a Bin Laden, hiding in some cave/rock/compound.

    I’ll find you on IRC… maybe.

  5. Luck says:

    A rloilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.

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