Entrecard SymbolWith the recent rise in adoption of EntreCard, there seems to be a growing concern about its usefulness. Many bloggers such as “John Cow” (with much fanfare) and Patrick Altoft (with no fanfare) have dropped it. Now we have newcomers to the system, such as James Chartrand, already considering dropping out.

When I first started using the system in late November 2007, the traffic to my site has increased by at least four fold. It wasn’t a phenomenal number like 10,000 visitors per day. But coming from 20 unique hits per day, it was a huge improvement. Now, my blog has been exposed to a community that would not have known if I never joined EntreCard system. It has a pretty good community support. Most of the people I interact with on a regular basis, reciprocate by visiting each other’s site. They may not comment all the time, but at least I’ve been given the chance with a visit. What matters are the few who takes the time to read my blog, and say “hello” (sometimes the occasional “thanks”).

EntreCard has many ways to show me new sites to visit. Their campaign categories include recent, popular, recommended, and unseen blogs. I think they have more than 3000 registered sites in there, so there’s quite a few to choose from. It’s actually fun to go in there and discover unique sites, such as The Dambusters (a blog about dam busting only!), My Blog Rules (eclectic 80’s guy), Chexed (the random idea generator), or Saphrym (weight loss blog by the nicest guy you can find on the net).

There is the question of valuable ads real estate on my blog site. In my case, I have the luxury of not running any ads. Ad space is not an issue for me, so a little 125×125 pixels EntreCard widget is not intrusive at all. There’s also the question of an ugly or inappropriate ad that may clutter my site. In this case, I have total control over what ad to approve, so I don’t have to display them if I don’t want to.

As I pointed out earlier, a system is useless without the community support behind it. So far, the EntreCard community has been supportive and has a close-knit feel to it. Maybe they can relate to the small blog experience and know what it’s like to start a blog for the first time. I can certainly relate to them, and help wherever I can. The system makes it easier for me to connect to them.

Thus, EntreCard still works for me. I will not drop it any time soon. Do you have plans to drop EntreCard?

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41 Responses to “Is It Time to Drop EntreCard?”

  1. Kevin says:

    Entre card is how I found your site. I will often just scatter through blogs and drop cards, but the blogs that have a post that catches my attention I will also read. Such as yours, and now look, I am even leaving a comment. I think the system works great. It’s no different than people clicking links and going past yours because you didn’t catch their attention, or stopping to read because you did. It increases the chances that people will stop and read at no additional costs to you, so I can’t see why you would get rid of it.

    I also love the idea being able to use a nice little ad for myself on other people’s sites, and I think the amount of control you get over the ads that show up on your site is great. It allows you to have the ability to pick and choose so that sites that don’t fit your mold don’t show up.

    So far I think it’s been great !

    Kevin’s last blog post..Qassia, what?

  2. Maria says:

    I probably won’t be dropping it any time soon. I like this kind of a system and I’ve met quite a bunch of good people and good blogs through this too. The good reason why I joined was because I knew the ad box wasn’t that obnoxious and I can keep it that way.

    Maria’s last blog post..Site Redesign Coming Soon?

  3. Hey Rudy, thanks for the linkage! (Just a note that we’ve moved our blog site to Men with Pens)

    Since I wrote that quick review of my experience with Entrecard, I’ve dropped all activity there. I’m not dropping cards, I’m not accepting new ads, I’m not doing a thing. I’m getting hit up left, right and center by Entrecarders with blogs so bad that it isn’t worth my trouble checking them out. It’s unfortunate that there isn’t a filter for crap quality, because it means I don’t even check my inbox to see who dropped a card anymore. (My apologies to all the good sites dropping cards that I haven’t visited.)

    The whole system is cheap. I feel used by bloggers, and I don’t feel that dropping a card makes me feel professional or businesslike. It’s not worthy of my attention or time. I don’t even see the worth of busting my ass to use the system to earn credits for the “honor” of a 24-hour ad on a big-name site. I’d rather save my integrity and pay for a premium spot.

    I’m still getting hits to my site through it, despite the lack of activity. I can also see the potential value for very small blogs or those starting out, but there comes a point when these cheap tactics are better left behind.

    Just my two cents ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. rudyamid says:

    @Kevin : I admit it, I’ve also done chain-dropping. Going from site to sites like a drone just to build up credits. But, like you, I also stop, read, and possibly comment if there’s a first page article that I like. It’s like channel surfing but I leave a trail (EC card) behind so that everyone knows I’ve been there.

    @Maria : I have found some of my favorites in EntreCard. It’s not many but there are quite a few.

    @James : Well, there are those who “covet” the spot on top sites like John Chow or ProBlogger. That’s why they go on the card-dropping spree. All they’re sacrificing is their time to go site to site. People’s priorities are different. I can understand that your time is more valuable so it isn’t prudent to waste it on chain-dropping.

    My thinking of the future is this: When (or if) EntreCard is everywhere, then it’s going to be second nature to click on the “Drop Yours” button. The credits will then come in naturally, without the need to cruise the ‘hood for sites. Since I already have a good amount of sites that I frequently visit that are on EntreCard, I just go through my favorites and drop cards on them. Now I have over 1800 credits that I don’t know what to do with them.

    Thanks for your 2 cents, I appreciate them!

  5. Periapex says:

    My jury is still out on Entrecard. I do find more interesting blogs to read through it though than something like Blogcatalog.

    Periapex’s last blog post..Carmic Karma.

  6. rudyamid says:

    Both BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog are chaotic to me. It’s hard to find anything useful in there. Maybe I’m using them incorrectly, but still they’re not as straight forward as EntreCard.

  7. Connie says:

    I enjoy card dropping so I can see the new trends in blogging as well as find new blogs that are worthwhile to read and even subscribe to their feeds. Yes there’s a lot of worthless blogs but that’s always been the case. I just drop and leave then. I like getting credits though for taking the time to at least give bloggers especially new ones a chance.

    And I agree with you about BlogCatalog BlogLog – too difficult and spammy for me. I get tons of spam emails from them. Zilch from Entrecards.

    Connie’s last blog post..Behind Closed Doors

  8. I’ve only just discovered Entrecard and have added it.
    I dropped blogcatalog and Blog rush neither of which was doing much for me and looked awful anyway.

  9. blueyes says:

    I like it because I can sit there and take as long or as short a time as I want to read peoples blogs and for a good portion of the time I read them as well as comment on some of them. I have even added a few of them to my feed reader so as to make sure I don’t forget about them if I don’t come across them while dropping cards.

  10. rudyamid says:

    @Connie : getting credits for taking the time to see the site is the most appealing thing about EntreCard. Also, I’ve been getting 1 or 2 spammy emails from people asking to exchange recommendations or try out their new contest. I think that’s a breach of terms of service, so if enough people report it, they’ll stop.

    @Jenny : I have just recently added BlogCatalog but strictly for visiting other sites (not for this blog). I dropped Blog Rush back in December 2007 because it wasn’t doing anything for me: slow widget load and zero traffic driven here.

    @blueyes : it is a nice catalog of blogs. It also helps with the 125×125 ad icons because most people are drawn to pictures. Most of the popular sites out there, especially the ones being stumbled, are all about pictures, icons, widgets, flash games, etc.

  11. Leon says:

    For now, Entrecard is worth the effort. A helluva lot better than blog exchanges that’s for sure.

    Leon’s last blog post..My thoughts onโ€ฆBarack Obamaโ€™s appeal

  12. Marjie says:

    I love using entrecard since I signed up for it earlier in December. What’s not to like? You advertise, people can advertise to your blog with your control and approval, and you–a blogger and a reader–is exposed to numerous blogs out there that you never thought existed as well as your blog is exposed to your fellow bloggers. The best part about it, it’s 100% free. And the idea of spending entrecard credit, versus real money, or increasing the credit value to advertise in your blog makes it much more interesting to use. So, with that thought, I shall end this comment with grace. I still have some cards to drop =)

    Cheers always,

    Have a wonderful week!

    Marjie’s last blog post..And then There’s Lent.

  13. rudyamid says:

    @Leon : Sometimes a lot of effort. ie. chain-dropping. But, no one says blogging work is always easy.

    @Marjie : the 100% free part is appealing to me, too. But it does take some time to do chain dropping just to increase the “worth” of my EntreCard icon to the community. Some people will rather spend money than time to increase their worthiness.

    Thank you for the drop! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. C-Squared says:

    Geoff at Can’t Get Rich made a post asking his readers whether or not he should drop Entrecard. I think the responses there and here are proof that it works.


    Without Entrecard, I sincerely doubt my blog would have grown as much as it has, and in so little time. 0 to 20 subscribers in a month is pretty good IMO. ๐Ÿ™‚

    C-Squared’s last blog post..Poem #12 – thoughts on bamboo

  15. mikster says:

    I have two blogs listed there and am pleased so far. The chain dropping doesn’t bother me, heck I get a credit myself when they drop. I’ve also found some good blogs to read through there as well.

    mikster’s last blog post..Life May Have Just Gotten A Little Easier

  16. rudyamid says:

    @Mikster : Actually, you get two credits when they drop. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I like the new addition of “Favorites” in EntreCard. I can snoop around people’s favorites and visit who they think is worth visiting. It’s more accurate than randomly stumbling around sites.

    @C-Squared : Geoff was really after the golden nuggets, the ones that would actually subscribe to his RSS. That’s going to take more than social media sites to drive that kind of traffic to him. He has to pump out good & useful content, consistently. That’s what we all should do. We can’t rely on Entrecard, Stumbleupon, or *Catalog sites to do it for us.

    Currently I have 28 subscribers. Whoohoo! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks to everyone who subscribes!

  17. Mommie says:

    I saw another post on this today http://www.computerilluminations.com/?p=78 so I think it’s coming to that decision for many!


    Mommie’s last blog post..Should You Monitor Them?

  18. rudyamid says:

    Looks like everyone’s having problem with EC connections timing out. Maybe they’re maxing out their servers and network bandwidth. They really do need to fix that, and soon. Otherwise there will be mass exodus.

  19. C K says:

    EC was quite fast when I started on it a few weeks back then everything just went downhill after the “Cover Over” Dashboard was launched. Like yourself, I’ve got people who may never chance upon my site popping in every now and then. Well, the bounce rate may be high >85% but hey, I’m not complaining.

    C K’s last blog post..Chinese New Year Celebrations 1/4 (The Parade)

  20. Carol says:

    I am for sure keeping entrecard – I have met some fun people and found some awesome blogs in the short time I’ve been using it. I also go through and drop cards but when something catches my eye I spend time reading as well. I’ve gotten lots of great blog tips in my travels with entrecard.

    Carol’s last blog post..w00t! happy post?.

  21. BTCassidy says:

    Entrecard has done me well so far, but like anything else, you have to wrok at it, i know w lot of people who have dropped Entrecard because they expected to see instant results in the order of thousands of UIP hits in teh first week. it’s something you develop, and involve yourself in to produce great results.

    BTCassidy’s last blog post..Rock Operas and giant robots

  22. rudyamid says:

    @CK : The bounce rate is pretty high for everyone. I don’t think that’s any different than traffic from StumbleUpon, or even Digg. So it’s pretty much the same for all social media sites.

    @Carol : agreed. So many variety out there. EC just makes it easier to figure out what they are.

    @BTCassidy : I didn’t expect thousands of hits on the first week, but I did see way more than usual. That’s a good thing, indeed.

  23. @rudyamid:
    It is a good choice that you made to not drop EntreCard. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Deimos Tel`Arin’s last blog post..Happy Valentines Day 2008!!! 888 EntreCredits Up for Grabs again!!! (Only applicable for EntreCarders)

  24. The good thing about Entrecard community is that you make friends with other bloggers and I also find lots of other good blogs

    I think those are priceless ๐Ÿ™‚

    Michael Aulia’s last blog post..Happy Valentineโ€™s Day! (14th February 2008)

  25. rudyamid says:

    @Deimos: Yeah, I tend not to discard something useful. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    @Michael: Priceless indeed. EntreCard is just so much more organized. It’s not perfect, but it’s getting there.

  26. Hey I agree with you 100%. EC is awesome for blogs, for traffic, and for community. I think, though, that it may be a raw deal for the big guns because they can charge 500 bux for the same space that EC takes up, AND it doesn’t really add that much extra traffic to their thousands per day.

    For me though, I think it’s freakin’ awesome! ๐Ÿ™‚ Now ….if I only I could do the same thing and monetize it ๐Ÿ˜€

  27. Found your site from EntreCard. We just signed up for it today, and by virture of this post, I would say it’s worth it. Seems to be a good thing so far. Nice website you have btw. Good luck.

    Paddy Wallbouncer’s last blog post..How to Stop NIU Style Massacres

  28. Anna says:

    I just signed up with Entrecard recently, but I’m really loving it. I have found a lot of blogs I would not have known about otherwise, like this one. I have also gotten quite a bit of increased traffic, and I enjoy advertising someone else’s blog on mine. I haven’t really gotten into the chain dropping. I’d rather read the blogs I click on and click on the Entrecards I find interesting. Also, it’s nice to be able to leave my card to say I’ve been there, even if I don’t have anything to say.

    Anna’s last blog post..Rank That Really Means Something

  29. rudyamid says:

    @BadBadHosting: EntreCard has been good for start-up blogs. Most of the “A-listers” or sites with thousands of hits, they tend to get big-headed and have forgotten where they come from. They no longer need to create a community, just as long as their ads pay them the big bucks.

    This is different with Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger though. He’s always said he’s in it for the community, so he gladly (I hope) use the ad space for the small bloggers to have a chance to get advertised for free on his site. His example is very rare, and worth commending. Monetizing your blog should be a distant third of fourth objective.

    @Paddy: Thanks for the compliments. I hope you drop by (and card) more often!

    @Anna: It is always nice to see people read the post and leave a comment. Since you’re from EntreCard and do just that, I thank you!

  30. David Rader says:

    The only dropping I’ll be doing is the kind that gets me credits!

    Thank you kindly for the mention! I like the description! LoL! One thing though… I THOUGHT I WAS THE NICEST GUY ON THE INTERNET!?!!? *FIRE BURNING IN EYES, VEINS POPPING OUT OF FOREHEAD* Just joking! LoL

  31. rudyamid says:

    Hi David. The internet need more random people like you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  32. Lin Burress says:

    Hi Rudy! There are many varying opinions on the worth of using Entrecard, ranging from it’s simply crap traffic with a high bounce rate, to people discovering interesting blogs to subscribe to and build relationships with other bloggers.

    For me personally, I’m about building relationships with other bloggers, really getting to know other bloggers on a more personal level. By diligently working on that and finding phenomenal posts to link in articles, that further develop or expound on discussions on my own blog, is what social networking is all about.

    Lin Burress’s last blog post..5 Ways To Make Your Blog Posts SCREAM For Attention

  33. rudyamid says:

    Hi Lin. You’re right. We blog to connect with people. We network to gain insights to their world. We learn from each other. At least that’s the ideal situation. There are so many ways to promote our blogs, and EntreCard is just one of them.

    I also agree with you, in the end, it’s about finding good content that we can link to/from. Feedback is so critical in a blog. I just wish everyone takes more time to promote their audience (ie. comments section), not just their content and advertising.

  34. Perry Lee says:

    I don’t plan on quitting Entrecard any time soon, unless of course the tool ratio gets too high, or they start to charge something. It’s great exposure for niche blogs, and has helped my traffic a lot just in the past few days since I started. Also, I think I may be addicted to site hopping…

  35. rudyamid says:

    Hi Perry. Yeah, I have been using EntreCard to discover new blogs. I don’t mass dropping anymore. Been checking out social networking sites. But then again, EC is also a social networking site with their forums and cards reciprocating.

  36. Jenny says:

    I wrote early on when I had just started using Entrecard. Now we are meant to stop by each site with entrecard and stop to make a comment, but we don’t do we. So I’m finding that sure I get more traffic via entrecard, but what’s the quality of the traffic.

    I feel somewhat out in the wilderness, because fewer people are commenting and more and more are just dropping.

    Jenny’s last blog post..Customising your word press blog

  37. rudyamid says:

    Hi Jenny. I just visited your site, and it looks like you may have a few issues with the WordPress installation. I left a comment and the screen went blank. Not sure if you got it or not. With that kind of issue, people usually don’t bother commenting. You should take the time to debug the WordPress plugins/themes completely from top to bottom, then you’ll see a steady stream of readers who will comment.

  38. Guy McLaren says:

    I find entrecard a bind. I don’t have the time to go on dropping sprees, The people that want to advertise crap on my blog don’t understand no go away, I am picky about who advertises and who doesn’t. MY EC build up, I advertise and my bounce rate goes up 220%. Overall the time spent does not warrant the result.

  39. rudyamid says:

    Hey Guy,

    Yeah, I agree. Unfortunately the quality of traffic kept going down. Looks like having organic traffic is much more favorable than getting traffic spikes from StumbleUpon or EC.

    At least with StumbleUpon, it’s quick and easy.

  40. Hye Munar says:

    Entrecard is not only getting traffic, it is also a great way to meet and socialize with other fellow bloggers.

    Hye Munar’s last blog post..Google Chrome Browser Released For Download on Tuesday

  41. rudyamid says:

    There’s enough “social networking” sites out there that enables me to socialize with other bloggers. EC did have its advantages, but the economy is too much work.

    I’m using Twitter a lot more, now.

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